
Einstein once said, "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."

Recent twts from off_grid_living

Love the program James has given me, I just edited some 40 webpages from junk viewing to nice, in a few minutes per edit, as shown in the two programs both running in Windows Mode.

On the left is directly to the Webserver files On the right is the webpage running over the www

Really nice and easy to navigate.

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In-reply-to » Media

Lyse you are completely correct. I run the local host website as a thin webpage right next to the NotePad 2 text editor, and I edit the webpage as I go along, while the web server shows you how it looks like on the Local Internet. That way I save dozens of editing mistakes when it finally become hosted on the grand Internet, plus I have an exact copy the my website at all times, should I lose something from the hosted Internet.

So how do any of you who have created webpages before do this sort of thing? How do you know what your experience is like? Since the host changes features, this changes the web hosting experience, which is a terrible pain. Think of the thousands of editing I have to do?

I will post you some examples…

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In-reply-to » Media

Sounds great James. I don’t need PHP right now, will do everything using HTML - and I would love the zero configuration. How did you do that using my website, it has files in .txt format? I guess you just added the HTML bit with some code hey? What about hyperlinks? I think a variable is passed corresponding to the webapge number from 1.htm to 1200.htm.

Tomorrow is a busy day for me, off to tow a car home, so will be off grid pun intended. Thanks for the input your computer experts.

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In-reply-to » Media

Hmm? I see

Problem I see is the files are located where Ubuntu wants to put them, not where I want to put them?

“Your package manager (apt) does not prompt you, because the package maintainer has chosen some defaults for you which works with the rest of the system. So there is simply no need. Why would you want to change the installation directory anyways?” I see Lyse, but that is the point of file management, moving files and the executable to where you want them. One memory stick for example. To run them double left click on them

I don’t like the files in a folder /var/www/ why can’t I make my own path, and confige Apache.exe to run from a configured path? Say entirely off a memory stick?

If you create a website, you want the entire executable to move with you… easier that way…. You take the memory stick with the executable file with you, and it runs and uploads with a double left click. The idea of running through a Linux default means you can’t remove your website elsewhere?? For example I have many small software programs that go where I go, I wish I too Word 7 with me, docX files are a pain. GIF emulator.exe for example, Note2Pad.exe another example. I don’t like apps stored inside some machine. Emails is another pain, all my emails are stored in rich file format on files outside of the program. For example is a bank fails, what happens to your money ? Old schooled keep things more robust.

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What a complex pile of stuff…

In a Windows Apache, I would only need to configure the path of the directory and double left click on Apacjhe.exe file and it runs loading the index .htm file. You can also remove the folder to a memory stick and configure you version to run anywhere…. this video is way too complicated…

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OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….

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OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….

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In-reply-to » Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files

I see so there is a Linux version of Apache? My particular version of Apache for Windows, was intentionally cut down, to very few files, under 6MB if I remember, the PHP5 file seems to do most of the hard work (a 5MB folder)
I see php5.dll is 4.8 MB in size, hence one file is causing my version of Apache to be this size. So all up there are 22 files in the total Apache folder. Thanks for the tip Lyse.

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You really have to train your kids early, university teaches you nothing, I used to have two University degrees, so long ago they would be seen as rubbish. Self taught is the only way to learn and get the ones who are interested to start early…. Cheers

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If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software.

SO James created once a 3D chess program with sound, took 6 months or so, really hard to beat, not based on logic moves point by point like other chess programs, this one was based on the depth of looking for patterns, set it to 5 moves ahead and you were toast every time. Nice program too, sadly gone over the years, computers suffer from bit rot. We used to try and mark rotten hard drive discs once as bad sectors, not sure how UBuntu does this these days, I see a dozen errors on the screen every time I load.

Today I would purchase for my kids AI CAD simulation software with metal 3D printer and get your child to build fancy 3D models and engines from scratch. This will make them an expert in the CAD AI industry by the time they are 14 years old. Sadly AI is here to stay and will spoil the Internet.

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I remember once paying my Son aged 14 or so , twenty bucks, to hack into a computer software program called Civil CAD, expensive program with hardware lock costing over 7 grand, and finding out what it is doing…. Dad says Son, it’s trying to write to a drive E, a what? so we named the C drive to E drive, installed the software, renamed the E drive back to C drive and charged the fellow 300 dollars for fixing his problem…. arrh yes those were the day a father and son team in a strange far way country…. Now look at him, running TWTXT software.

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Hey for a 60+ year old man is this too simple a computer problem for you guys? or am I getting too old, self taught like my Son…. used to remember PHP programming once, Delphi and Javascript… now I showing my age, I remember the Lotus 123 days the big green screen and the 286 Window machines that cost a fortune and ran for 6 weeks if you were lucky, the main board soldering flux was not washed off properly the acid would eat into the board… arrh yes those were the days !!!

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Here is a screen shot from double left click on Apache.exe - notice it helps you see file path

and the file path I edit in conf file

When it runs, VINE makes a blue screen and timesout after 15 seconds, so it’s reading the conf file I think?

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The httpd.conf file has things like


ServerRoot “/home/rob/DESKTOP/SS/apache”

Not sure if this is the right way to configure the path. I used to run SS folder directly in Windows, on C:\ but while Ubuntu has no true C:\ would this be better than running it on the desktop as shown above?

Any advice welcome


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Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files

For example see the next post

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In-reply-to » part 2, James your twtxt is way too short.... say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn't. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost.

Yeah I can easily write heaps when I need to, to night for example I am awake at 2:13 am tying here. I have to finish a book I am getting ready for others to read. So far the book is over 60 pages long.

Thank you for the access to Spiritual Springs and TWTXT. Now all I have to do is get Apache running again off some local drive, I doubt it will work on a Linux Ubuntu machine, as there is no local hard drive C, is this understanding correct? I could configure it to run off a local drive on a memory stick?

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By the way adding cow manure to the mulch boxes in the fruit orchard is also with no many minerals. Our soil lacks Ca, Mg B, Cu and Zn to name a few. All this adds to the cost of making good fruit.

I am thinking of purchasing a different system, say wicking beds, grow the fruit trees on top in mulch boxes of soil and into the wicking bed you add hydroponic solutions of minerals, which cost the same as getting bulky useless cow manure. For example for $80 you get 30 minerals in hydroponics and enough to make 2000 litres of water into a wicking bed. You feed the trees for 3 months before draining the water and adding another brand new batch cost another 2000 litres of water and minerals for another $80. Same cost but much more valuable in terms of minerals supplied. What is in cow manure? All gathered across the poorest soils of Australia? Not much.

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In-reply-to » Media A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone. Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

part 2, James your twtxt is way too short…. say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn’t. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost.

The chooks would love to eat such wheat, but imagine the cost of making it?

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In-reply-to » Media A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone. Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

My old friend Lyse, you are still around.

Yes the pictures are bad, shot on evening light, with shaky hand I guess, 400,000 bytes, too big a file

The carpet is our covering over the ground, can’t afford tiles. Nice place for chooks to eat off.

I reckon there would be over 40Kg wasted seed on the ground, the chooks hate eating the wheat, because it probably has 3 minerals in eat, N P K and maybe some Ca, Mg and Fe from the ground. No where good enough to build the 3D molecules chooks and humans need in their bodies. Farmers cannot afford growing wheat with 60 minerals in it. The cost for that I reckon would be $10 a kg for the wheat on it’s own. Wow wheat is around $600 per tonne, or 60cents per Kg. See my point? If I grew say a hectare of wheat, 100m by 100m soil adding 100mm of cow manure over the ground at 4m3 that is 40m2 of ground I cover costly $60 to get this, labour is free and maintenance of car free, 10,000 / 40 = 250 trailer loads of cow manure, costing me $15,000. I would get for a yield..

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A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone.
Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

Obviously the wheat has few minerals in it and not worth eating,,,fancy that we eat wheat bread all the time. What a waste of time !!! eating nothing in it…. I might trying growing my own wheat with at least 60 minerals in it, but costly to make.

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More mulch boxes with taro this time, another sub-tropical plant tuber
This one has plastic walls and sheeting, but alas the leaves still got badly burnt by frost.
These love lots of water and not too much heat…Hmm? shadecloth them soon

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Two more mulch boxes for another new potato shadehouse yet to be built come October
Red arrow shows garlic, never been successful at growing garlic…. has over watering….bother.

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The potato shed is fully insect proof for a reason. You cannot grow potatoes all year round due to tiny beetles chewing the leaves to bits, so I made a shaecloth shed over the mulch boxes.

Again the mulch boxes are 10 inches of pure cow manure and the spuds placed into this. I do not use the natural ground, too hard, too poor and too much hard work digging it up. It would be nice to add another mulch box frame on top of the lower frame and add another 200 mm of cow manure into that, getting more root feeding soil along the stems, hence more tubers. Might try this idea? The dead leaves is from a black frost we got, even instead the shadehouse the potato tops died off. Sad.

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This is this year’s oranges, huge and tasty thanks to annual dolomite added into the mulch boxes.
We add cow manure every year into the mulch boxes, about 1 inch every time and water the mulch boxes, not the entire ground in the wire netting yard. Cheaper on water resources, which we do not have.

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Welcome me back folks, thanks to my Son James, off_grid_living is back !!!

Now lets look at what I have been doing lately.

This is the corn patch, around 300 seeds planted 2 days ago, hopefully the frost is over. And the rat baits are out, see the round plastic tubes, and so the seeds can grow without being eaten, as in previous years.

SO far this adventure has cost me $100, for 2 loads of 4m3 cow manure. I dump it onto the soil without digging, really hard sandy texture on top of ground, 2 inches thick and plant the corn seeds from last year into the soil. Lazy and efficient method. No weeding, no digging. The metal boxes define the area, it is around 25m long and 4 m wide with four brown pipes for 1 hr watering twice every day. Though the holes in the pipes are blocked by the sweeter bore water, so I have to hand water every day as well. The brown pipes are only 1 year of use, so its costly to upgrade them every year.

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This pie chart shows the number who died from getting COV19 vaccines, in a study of 325 humans who died from getting jabbed and studied in autopsies, the study was removed when published in 24 hours.

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In-reply-to » vDSL2 sucks NBN sucks Copper sucks It is continues to amaze me how NBN continues to operate. With over $50B AUD of taxpayer funds later (See NBN Project costs) folks like me that live in the suburbs continue to have less than ideal quality.

I didn’t say using fibre, I said set up a digital hot spot in Brisbane and one over your house, direct in line, a distance of 30kms. That should work??

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In-reply-to » vDSL2 sucks NBN sucks Copper sucks It is continues to amaze me how NBN continues to operate. With over $50B AUD of taxpayer funds later (See NBN Project costs) folks like me that live in the suburbs continue to have less than ideal quality. Why don’t you connect directly to fibre, wherever that is, say in Brisbane, and build yourself a small digital hotspot antennae dish, to relay the signal directly to another dish, located over your house. What is the cost for your own private setup like this? Cheaper than waiting for fibre directly to your house.

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Hey guys how about this idea for preventing spiders crawling over your text?
The server sends a alphabet image with pictures of each letter, and asks the user to match the pictures correctly to form a word, they must type into the submit box, before the server sends you the web page.
No more crawlers can crawl over your data, and steal idea for AI internet theft. Would this work?

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The Alone Australia is finally over, Gina won after 67 days.

Question: How on earth can one go out into the night and fall onto a small kangaroo and kill it? Ie no trap, just ran into a mammal in the night? Is that even possible? Being so in tune with earth, the mother of nature supplied her need for food?

And yet Mike, the ego builder of a massive 3 day trap missed the kangaroo by milliseconds? How uncanny.
No comments on the Reunion segment.

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One Alone guy has an ego trip to make a canoe, wasting 3 days of fasting before fishing for fish. It’s day 3 of Alone Australia, with 7 people remaining, and the fasting chemistry is beginning to eat on food reserves.

It’s easy to lose weight, stop using oil in your food. Oil, and frying, is 300 calories per 10ml. Eating a large potato is 300 calories , so near impossible to gain weight eating plant food alone. I lost 10KG eating tomato and bread at home on food made on the farm at home.

I notice no body took LARD with blue berries as on item on their list.

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No one on Alone Australia made a shelter with a hip roof, so simple and yet no one bothered with water run off, or tried to collect it as a gutter trough. Also lots of ego trips by the men. Fancy hunting for wild animals in the day time. Come on Auzzies, it’s Australia, all our animals are night time animals. I also notice some have fished the first fish successfully. The sites are all by a Tasmania River, so catfish, eels and trout. All things I caught as a kid.

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No way to grow food, not enough calories, conserve energy. Fish daily, from day 3. Collect more wood, and sleep lots. Drink from rain gutter as fresh water, no need to boil it. place under roof fern leaves for insulation.
And moss, watch for fire hazard.

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I notice on day 3, dead trees and mud on lake, with fire going, strip off and swim out to a dead tree with fork branch, wire a pole beam from two dead trees, and using long poles, make a jetty to walk out every day nicely to fish. Also make a wood fishing net to ensure you capture the fish before pulling it out oof the water.

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Excess fish has to by smoke and dried, on your outdoor fire, 50m away, NOT inside the sleeping place area, and the food place in lard blueberry jar, the food comes with glass lid and a 5kg jar. Store the dried fish in the lard, and to disguise smell, bury the glass jar under a rock inside the sleeping place. Make a door to cover the front and always stand on guard.

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Using billy bucket, drag mud from lake and make sod walls, 200x200x200, like a sand castle effect, Stack the mud walls to 2m by 1.5 m wide, you need 150 of these, reinforce the wall with sticks pushed into wall, like a wattle and darb idea, the olden soddies did in Australia long ago. Make the fire place also of mud with dome, and chimney. The main pole is 4.5m long and the verndah bits 2m , no need to make whole thing warm just the sleeping part. Stack wood under the verandah bit. Only animal to contend with is the Tassy Devil, so do not cook fish on the fire, but elsewhere outside, 50mm away.

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Some could not start a fire from wet timber the night before. So the ferro rod was worn down. How pathetic, don’t these people practice these things, or learn to stack wood under their tarp?
And finally Jim a 22 yr old man, got COVID flu and tapped out from a medical team found his heart racing too fast. How pathetic.
However some of the tougher ones, like Gina are surviving. Can’t wait for next Wednesday on Viceland.

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Watching Australian Alone, last Wednesday, around a lake in Western Tasmania in Autumn, temperatures down to 4 degrees, with rain every night. Not real happy two pulled out on the very first night. Got lonely? What? Lonely from one sleep in the bush.

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