In-reply-to » (#py6tmvq) Definitely something going on with replies. This one was replying to the wrong twt and even when I got clever and pasted the right hash it didn't work.

HTMX is fine! You can add dynamic sections with a simple endpoint. It is better that JavaScript.

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In-reply-to » Linear feeds are a dark pattern - A proposal for Mastodon

I think it is not easy to implement, you need a database. Timeline is an elegant solution: read and sort.

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In-reply-to » Read flags are so simple, yet powerful in my opinion. I really don't understand why this is not a thing in most twtxt clients. It's completely natural in e-mail programs and feed readers, but it hasn't made the jump over to this domain.

that’s a fair point.

Perhaps, since Twitter in 2006 never implemented read flags, every derivative microblogging system never saw that as an expected feature. This is curious because Twitter started with SMS, where on our phones we can mark messages as read or unread.
I think it all comes from the difference between reading an email (directed to you) vs. reading public posts (like a blog or a ‘wall,’ where you don’t mark posts as read). It’s not necessary to mark it as ‘read’, you just jump over it.

Reading microblogging posts in an email program is not common, I think, and I haven’t really used it, so I cannot say how it works, and whether it would be better for me or not.
However, I’ve used Thunderbird as a feed reader, and I understand the advantages when reading blog posts.

About read flags being simple, well… we just had a discussion this morning about how tracking read messages would require a lot of rethinking for clients such as timeline where no state is stored. Even considering some kind of ‘notification of unread messages or mentions’ is not expected for those minimalist client, so it’s an interesting compromise to think about.

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In-reply-to » Linear feeds are a dark pattern - A proposal for Mastodon Read flags are so simple, yet powerful in my opinion. I really don’t understand why this is not a thing in most twtxt clients. It’s completely natural in e-mail programs and feed readers, but it hasn’t made the jump over to this domain.

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In-reply-to » (#py6tmvq) Definitely something going on with replies. This one was replying to the wrong twt and even when I got clever and pasted the right hash it didn't work. Yeah, all this JS and HTMX garbage messes up a lot of things which used to work better in the earlier days.

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Definitely something going on with replies. This one was replying to the wrong twt and even when I got clever and pasted the right hash it didn’t work.

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In-reply-to » (#4fmwoaq) (I keep thinking that going back go Gopher or Gemini might be a good idea at this point. They don’t care about that, probably. 🫣)

elpher is the best! I love it

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In-reply-to » i made a little twtxt feed fixer for when a feed uses other whitespace instead of tabs.

trying to keep it simple but.. perhaps it can be extended to fix timestamp formats like using " " instead of "T"

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I should really fix my calender rendering. A two day event only pops up in the first day, but not in the second. When extended to three days, it correctly shows up in all three days. Meh.

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(I keep thinking that going back go Gopher or Gemini might be a good idea at this point. They don’t care about that, probably. 🫣)

⤋ Read More Surprisingly, my

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

seems to work. Or maybe those bastards change their user agent and claim to be someone nice. In any case, I just added a bunch of

location = /robots.txt {
    add_header Content-Type text/plain;
    return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";

in my nginx config. No need for any bot to visit, crawl and index most of my sites.

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In-reply-to » Excellent article where you reflect on why it is important to write in your blog, even knowing that nobody will read it. At least this article does. “right person”, who’s to say? And not “AI” but more-generally search. Otherwise I agree ☝️

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In-reply-to » I'm realizing that my performance bottleneck is @prologic ! It is actually calculating the hash to make the replicas, and specifically users with very long feeds 😂 . I'm seriously thinking about enabling replies via configuration.

Gotta get faster disks man 🤣

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In-reply-to » I'm realizing that my performance bottleneck is @prologic ! It is actually calculating the hash to make the replicas, and specifically users with very long feeds 😂 . I'm seriously thinking about enabling replies via configuration.

you rehash the same data too much :P

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In-reply-to » Saw Windows 11 for the first time today and genuinely had to ask if this is really Windows. Looks a lot like KDE.

~10 seconds means it had to fire up Qwen 2.8b and prompt it what items would reasonably show up in a right click menu for the desktop.

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Saw Windows 11 for the first time today and genuinely had to ask if this is really Windows. Looks a lot like KDE.

(At first, I thought the touchpad of that laptop was broken, because a right click on the desktop didn’t do anything. But it worked just fine. It just takes ~10 seconds for the popup to show.)

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In-reply-to » @andros The article is a good reminder of the true blogging mindset. But let's try to think beyond. 2 ideas: (1) writing "forces clarity, structures your thoughts, sharpens your perspective". But it also generates thoughts in the sense of Heinrich von Kleist (1805). (2) You're writing for "the future you, one right person, one day" but you are also writing for the AI. The idea of AI as an audience. Yeah, this AI crap is a big reason not to blog.

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In-reply-to » Excellent article where you reflect on why it is important to write in your blog, even knowing that nobody will read it. At least this article does. The article is a good reminder of the true blogging mindset. But let’s try to think beyond. 2 ideas: (1) writing “forces clarity, structures your thoughts, sharpens your perspective”. But it also generates thoughts in the sense of Heinrich von Kleist (1805). (2) You’re writing for “the future you, one right person, one day” but you are also writing for the AI. The idea of AI as an audience.

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In-reply-to » I'm realizing that my performance bottleneck is @prologic ! It is actually calculating the hash to make the replicas, and specifically users with very long feeds 😂 . I'm seriously thinking about enabling replies via configuration.

You write too much for my client 😂

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In-reply-to » One week of not tinkering with my OS and I’ve already forgot ~80% of it. 🙄 It happens to the best of us :-) On a more serious note: I’m relieved to hear that I’m not the only one who is completely perplexed by his own projects when returning back to them after a short hiatus.

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In-reply-to » When I woke up today we had already disconnected from the Russian power grid. I checked the uptime of my servers: no reboots, no outages. Not that I was very worried. You can have a nice live view at cross border electricity flow here: We'll connect to the rest of continental Europe on Sunday. Ha,ha :-) I do not maintain anything! In the context of that post I was just an ordinary citizen. So the ‘we’ refers twice to “we, the citizens of the Baltic States”. (Classical case of social media ‘talk at cross purposes’. Now I understand, why they do this Introduction-thing over on mastodon ;-)

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In-reply-to » When I woke up today we had already disconnected from the Russian power grid. I checked the uptime of my servers: no reboots, no outages. Not that I was very worried. You can have a nice live view at cross border electricity flow here: We'll connect to the rest of continental Europe on Sunday. What is this that you maintain? 🤔

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When I woke up today we had already disconnected from the Russian power grid. I checked the uptime of my servers: no reboots, no outages. Not that I was very worried. You can have a nice live view at cross border electricity flow here: We’ll connect to the rest of continental Europe on Sunday.

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In-reply-to » @bender @prologic I can reproduce this locally, too. But it doesn't matter if I follow the feed or not. With JS enabled, hitting "Reply" opens a textarea with @<url>. Submitting this writes @<domain url> instead of @<nick url> in the feed.

hmm interesting work here.. ill give it a look.. do you know if it is even storing the url into the AST object? afair the code to parse tags url should be the same as the mention url.

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In-reply-to » Sorry it appears I have having difficulty understand how to help you. Please contact Microsoft at aks blah balh balh The thing is, all these IVR phone systems are so fucking useless it’s not even funny. They either can’t understand you, are stupid as fuck, or somewhere in between. You spend minutes to hours trying to figure out how to get anywhere you basically just end up giving up. I think it’s done on purpose 😱

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In-reply-to » Sorry it appears I have having difficulty understand how to help you. Please contact Microsoft at aks blah balh balh careful, if you provide too much feedback, your feedback button might also disappear. 🫠 Also recently celebrated the 1st anniversary of the MS Teams multilingual spellchecker bug, Microsoft actually acknowledged and promised us to fix. And by “bug”, I mean it being completely broken.

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In-reply-to » So I was advised by the FTC to file a complaint with the Internet Crimes Complaints Centre (IC3) -- That is, the FBI. They have an online form that you can use, however it is clearly designed for US citizens, not designed for cross-country complaints such as from AU. Needless to say, I tried to speak with a lovely woman on the phone (who would not say here name, only her badge number: 9834) where we went through the form together. Managed to get to the 3rd page, at which point the "Address" had an asterisk next to it (*) -- I advise operator #9834 that I was not comfortable handing out a specific address, at which point she responded:

e.g Spam Act 2003 of Australia

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In-reply-to » So I was advised by the FTC to file a complaint with the Internet Crimes Complaints Centre (IC3) -- That is, the FBI. They have an online form that you can use, however it is clearly designed for US citizens, not designed for cross-country complaints such as from AU. Needless to say, I tried to speak with a lovely woman on the phone (who would not say here name, only her badge number: 9834) where we went through the form together. Managed to get to the 3rd page, at which point the "Address" had an asterisk next to it (*) -- I advise operator #9834 that I was not comfortable handing out a specific address, at which point she responded:

I guess this is why companies get away with breaking all kinds of stupid ass lawas 😅

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So I was advised by the FTC to file a complaint with the Internet Crimes Complaints Centre (IC3) – That is, the FBI. They have an online form that you can use, however it is clearly designed for US citizens, not designed for cross-country complaints such as from AU. Needless to say, I tried to speak with a lovely woman on the phone (who would not say here name, only her badge number: 9834) where we went through the form together. Managed to get to the 3rd page, at which point the “Address” had an asterisk next to it (*) – I advise operator #9834 that I was not comfortable handing out a specific address, at which point she responded:

Well the IC3 online form is the correct form. Thank you. Goodbye.

And hang up! Haha 🤣 wut da fuq?! 🤦‍♂️

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