Why are we touting such garbage anyway?! đŸ€” Why is Apple even entertaining this nonsense?! đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

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@arne@uplegger.eu I do 😅 Despite some opinions, I actually love HTMX and use it in many of my projects, including yarnd to give it that nice SPA-like UX feel without all this Javascript React nonsense 😅

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In-reply-to » I would like to make another proposal to the community, to discuss it calmly: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/twtxt.dev/issues/9 #twtxt

No no! I’m talking about twtxt’s own branding. It’s currently horizontal text. Is the image you’re sharing a logo that’s being used? 😯

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In-reply-to » Das Firmenhandy sagt mir nach einem Update: „Dein Pixel kann jetzt noch mehr!“ Aha. Ist es jetzt ein Voxel? Kann’s jetzt mehr als 256 Farben? Oder was? Ich bin eindeutig nicht die Zielgruppe solcher SprĂŒche 

@arne@uplegger.eu /me rennt schreiend davon 🙈🙈🙈

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Das Firmenhandy sagt mir nach einem Update: „Dein Pixel kann jetzt noch mehr!“ Aha. Ist es jetzt ein Voxel? Kann’s jetzt mehr als 256 Farben? Oder was? Ich bin eindeutig nicht die Zielgruppe solcher SprĂŒche 

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In-reply-to » A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won't be able to do anything without the password. You should run: ssh-keygen -p And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

Thanks @prologic@twtxt.net !

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In-reply-to » I share a simple API template with Clean Architecture using #flask and #fastapi https://git.andros.dev/andros/api-template-with-clean-architecture #cleancode #cleanarchitecture

What is clean architecture? That’s a good question.

You think of a pattern for ordering code with good decisions isolating technologies (you can change the web framework or database without break the business logic), easy to test (you only test interfaces and use cases), sharing code between frameworks (entities and use cases), scalability, modulations and standardizing names. Clean architecture is not perfect, it has a learning curve and some abstraction in each technology. You can even find rejection with yours colleagues.
I have a good article on this topic.

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In-reply-to » A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won't be able to do anything without the password. You should run: ssh-keygen -p And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt I don’t think this has anything to do with yarnd, but SSH keys in general 😅

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In-reply-to » A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won't be able to do anything without the password. You should run: ssh-keygen -p And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

Yarnd can store password-protected keys without risk because pod owner don’t have password, but looks like i/someone should enter password for every message sent or receive? Upd: oh, it’s about ssh? i have key without password lol

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In-reply-to » A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won't be able to do anything without the password. You should run: ssh-keygen -p And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

@andros@twtxt.andros.dev Could not agree more! 🙌

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A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won’t be able to do anything without the password.
You should run: ssh-keygen -p
And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

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I fell asleep again during snoozing, and started dreaming intensely. My own mind woke me up in time by setting everything I loved on fire within my dream. That jolted me awake alright.

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In-reply-to » Took today off work. My workplace has a special form of leave called "My Day" that you can take in addition to your usual Annual leave. So nice! 😊 I'm using one of them today to take advantage of the long weekend coming up (Australia Day). Planning on making repairs to one of my Hypervisor nodes that is currently down and powered off for repairs. The SATA DOM (Disk on Module) boot disk is kind of dead and the controller refusing to take any new writes. It's about ~5 years old đŸ€Ł

  1. Make sure the machine is off. ✅ (confirmed via remote IPMI)
  2. Unplug the power cables.
  3. Unrack the machine.
  4. Bring to office bench.
  5. Unscrew the cover.
  6. Plug in a new SATA DOM on a spare SATA cable.
  7. Boot a bootable Live Linux Rescue system
  8. Login and confirm both SATA DOM(s) are visible
  9. Use dd to copy the contents of the old SATA DOM to the New.
  10. Power off
  11. Remove old SATA DOM
  12. Confirm the machine comes back in it’s original state.

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Took today off work. My workplace has a special form of leave called “My Day” that you can take in addition to your usual Annual leave. So nice! 😊 I’m using one of them today to take advantage of the long weekend coming up (Australia Day). Planning on making repairs to one of my Hypervisor nodes that is currently down and powered off for repairs. The SATA DOM (Disk on Module) boot disk is kind of dead and the controller refusing to take any new writes. It’s about ~5 years old đŸ€Ł

Plan is to take the machine out of the Rack, place it on my office desk to open it up. Plug in a new 2nd SATA DOM on another SAtA cable. Boot it back up with a Linux Rescue bootable ISO and do a dd of the old to the new. Then swap ‘em around and hope đŸ€ž for the best 😅

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In-reply-to » 👋 Hello @emily0824, welcome to txt.sour.is, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod's Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⚁ Follow button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! đŸ€—

@prologic@twtxt.net @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org it seems a recent update reset my pod settings to open registration.

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In-reply-to » Got my teeth cleaned professionally today and I am still feeling it. Recommendation is that I use an electric toothbrush... Health over sustainability I suppose.

@johanbove@johanbove.info Do it! Those things are great. The “sonic” ones are even better. I wish those products had been available 20 years ago, would have saved me some trouble. 😅

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In-reply-to » In the process of temporarily removing and securing all my hard disks. They’ll be turning this building into a construction site for the next weeks/months. Lots of heavy drilling and hammering. Not sure what this means for spinning disks and I’d rather be on the safe side. đŸ«€

Typical construction site: Absolutely nothing happened so far. If there’s still nothing going on by Monday, I’m putting some of the disks back in.

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Got my teeth cleaned professionally today and I am still feeling it. Recommendation is that I use an electric toothbrush
 Health over sustainability I suppose.

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Predicting what is to be expected in about four years in the USA : there is no way in Hell where Trump will allow any form of return to the way it use to be before he took hold of the country. He will let other people die to make sure his regime will stay on for as long as at least he lives.

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In-reply-to » Interesting where Goryon saves current logged account? Because if i kill app it will logout me :(. Save i noticed with IndiePass but it logout me in random moment (or maybe same after killed)

@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt It stores it in the devices secure store, whatever that is on the device. It’s different for Android and iOS.

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Interesting where Goryon saves current logged account? Because if i kill app it will logout me :(. Save i noticed with IndiePass but it logout me in random moment (or maybe same after killed)

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In-reply-to » @lyse Du kannst selbst gern mal im TwtxtReader-Dummy herumklicken. Da ist natĂŒrlich alles auf meinen Feed eingestellt. Bildschirmfotos wirken irgendwie nicht.

@arne@uplegger.eu Uuuuhhh, das fĂŒhlt sich klasse an, gute Arbeit mein Lieber! :-)

Besonders positiv hervorheben muss ich die Rohdatenansicht. Sowas hab ich mir auch schon in der Vergangenheit hin und wieder gewĂŒnscht. Wie toll es doch wĂ€r, direkt den Eintrag im Original zu sehen, ohne erst im Feed mĂŒhsam auf die Suche gehen zu mĂŒssen, was auch noch einen Wechsel auf den Browser oder den Editor erzwingt. Das werd ich mir definitiv auch einbauen. Insbesondere fĂŒr die Entwicklung absolut hilfreich. Die Textarea könntest Du noch mit einem readonly-Attribut ausstatten.

Die Gesamtbaumansicht einer Unterhaltung gefĂ€llt mir ebenfalls. Davon bin ich ja ein großer Verfechter. Nicht nur die direkten Antworten zu sehen, sondern alle. Klar, bei tief verschachtelten Unterhaltungen und sehr langen BeitrĂ€gen verliert man da doch mal den Überblick, aber die kommen in der Praxis meiner Erfahrung nur selten vor.

Die zwei Elemente in der Fußzeile eines Beitrags wĂŒrde ich auch noch versuchen in die Kopfzeile zu verschieben, dann wird die Darstellung insgesamt kompakter, gerade bei Unterhaltungen könnte das von Vorteil sein.

Weiter so!

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In-reply-to » Die Bastelei am TxtwtReader geht gut voran. Neben diversen Filtern und Ansichten werden Unterhaltungen nun schön strukturiert angezeigt. Jetzt mĂŒsste ich mich auch mal um das Verfassen von EintrĂ€gen kĂŒmmern. Wenn ich mit dem Projekt zufrieden bin, lasse ich es vielleicht auch auf die Welt los. #OpenSource

@arne@uplegger.eu Klingt gut, Du darfst uns gern mal ein paar Bildschirmfotos vom aktuellen Stand zeigen. :-) Die erste Aufnahme sah bereits recht aufgerÀumt aus.

Ich mĂŒsste auch endlich mal an meinem Client weitermachen. Aber heut nimmer.

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In-reply-to » @arne Hahaha, vor Dekaden hab ich auch mal einen „XML“-„Parser“ selbst gebaut. Der wollte dann pro Zeile entweder einen öffnenden oder einen schließenden Tag oder aber einen Wert haben. :-O Ganz ĂŒbel, aber fĂŒr den damaligen Anwendungsfall hat's gelangt. War halt bloß kein XML. :-D

@arne@uplegger.eu Ahja, danke fĂŒr die ErlĂ€uterung! EinrĂŒckungen waren meinem Parser tatsĂ€chlich egal, der dĂŒrfte einfach ein trim() angewendet haben, bevor sich die Zeile zur nĂ€heren Verarbeitung angesehen hat. :-D

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de It says F=700, D=70 and RK=20. I have to research what magnification that translates to, a few days have passed since physics class. Your Celestron Ultima 100 looks much more high quality than this thing.

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Die Bastelei am TxtwtReader geht gut voran. Neben diversen Filtern und Ansichten werden Unterhaltungen nun schön strukturiert angezeigt. Jetzt mĂŒsste ich mich auch mal um das Verfassen von EintrĂ€gen kĂŒmmern. Wenn ich mit dem Projekt zufrieden bin, lasse ich es vielleicht auch auf die Welt los. #OpenSource

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

Speaking about telescopes, I have a feeling that a modern medium-priced telescope could be really great. I mean, if I can see Saturn’s rings with my bird scope, I would expect a good-ish telescope to be pretty great these days. đŸ€”

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I see. đŸ€” Does it say anything about the magnification factor?

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In-reply-to » LECK MICH FETT! Das KĂŒchenradio (Sagem - My Dual Radio 700) gibt wieder Töne von sich! Der XML-Parser von dem Ding ist sowas von hinĂŒber. Die "Fertiglösungen" YCast und YTuner haben ein zu ordentliches XML erstellt. Per Trial and Error habe ich dann die Formatierung gefunden, die die olle Kiste braucht. đŸ„ł

@arne@uplegger.eu Hahaha, vor Dekaden hab ich auch mal einen „XML“-„Parser“ selbst gebaut. Der wollte dann pro Zeile entweder einen öffnenden oder einen schließenden Tag oder aber einen Wert haben. :-O Ganz ĂŒbel, aber fĂŒr den damaligen Anwendungsfall hat’s gelangt. War halt bloß kein XML. :-D

Was konkret war dann das Problem von dem zu sauberen XML in Deinem Fall? Und schön zu hören, dass Du das GerÀt vor dem vorzeitigen Elektroschrotttod bewahrt bekommen hast. :-)

Zum Abschluss noch ne ganz doofe Frage, ganz offensichtlich hab ich von Radios keinen blassen Schimmer. Wieso muss denn das Ding ĂŒberhaupt mit XML rumfuhrwerken? O_o

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Das KĂŒchenradio (Sagem - My Dual Radio 700) gibt wieder Töne von sich! Der XML-Parser von dem Ding ist sowas von hinĂŒber. Die “Fertiglösungen” YCast und YTuner haben ein zu ordentliches XML erstellt. Per Trial and Error habe ich dann die Formatierung gefunden, die die olle Kiste braucht. đŸ„ł

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In-reply-to » It seems related to us poor single user pods not getting the trust to share twts.. which it seems to still untrust on restart for me.

@xuu The Pod.LastSeen and Pod.LastUpdated fields are only ever updated in the Cache.DetectPodFromUserAgent(
) function as far as I can tell. This function is called in Cache.DetectClientFromRequest(
) and Cache.DetectClientFromResponse(

) is only invoked when the twtxt.txt is requested and looks at the User-Agent HTTP request header.

) is only called in Cache.FetchFeeds(
) and looks at the Powered-By HTTP response header. This header would be set in twtxt.txt HTTP responses from yarnd. A bunch of places invoke Cache.FetchFeeds(
), including a periodic job (UpdateFeedsJob.Run()). Maybe something is iffy around these locations.

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de It’s an old, cheap Optus without any model information on it. It was maybe 180DM or so in a discounter 25, 30 years ago. Its main job is to collect dust, can’t even remember its last use. That must have been easily 15 years ago I reckon. Thus, absolutely no surprise. Maybe I’ll just take it apart and see what I can see as the week progresses.

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In-reply-to » hmmm? đŸ€”

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org @prologic@twtxt.net 😆 There was something weird going on with my #Timeline instance, the text input box was visible even though I was logged out and I was able to twt from it 
 It has to do with cache because it wouldn’t disappear unless I whip my website’s cache from the browser.

Poke @sorenpeter@darch.dk and @eapl.me@eapl.me I have no Idea how to reproduce this.

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In-reply-to » I'm rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn't see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Oh no. đŸ„Ž What kind of telescope have you got?

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I’m rather frozen after half an hour looking at Venus and Saturn through the telescope outside. I couldn’t see any rings around Saturn. Disappointing. It also appeared rather dark. The very bright Venus on the other hand told me that there is something growing inside the scope. :-( Or maybe there is dust.

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