On the Subject of Feed Identities; I propose the following:

  1. Generate a Private/Public ED25519 key pair
  2. Use this key pair to sign your Twtxt feed
  3. Use it as your feed’s identity in place of # url = as # key = ...

For example:

$ ssh-keygen -f prologic@twtxt.net
$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -n prologic@twtxt.net -f prologic@twtxt.net twtxt.txt

And your feed would looke like:

# nick        = prologic
# key         = SHA256:23OiSfuPC4zT0lVh1Y+XKh+KjP59brhZfxFHIYZkbZs
# sig         = twtxt.txt.sig
# prev        = j6bmlgq twtxt.txt/1
# avatar      = https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/avatar#gdoicerjkh3nynyxnxawwwkearr4qllkoevtwb3req4hojx5z43q
# description = "Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of twtxt.net / creator of Yarn.social 🧶)

2024-06-14T18:22:17Z	(#nef6byq) @<bender https://twtxt.net/user/bender/twtxt.txt>  Hehe thanks! 😅 Still gotta sort out some other bugs, but that's tomorrows job 🤞

Twt Hash extension would change of course to use a feed’s ED25519 public key fingerprint.

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Introduction to JuiceFS | JuiceFS Document Center – Thinking about using JuiceFS to solve a long-running problem I’ve always had.

  • Be able to run services on any node in my cluster and let Docker Swarm pick whatever node it likes (instead of now where I have to pin some workloads to specific nodes, as that’s where their local storage volume is)
  • Manage the scalability of data and growth over time instead of what I do now which is to extend EXT4 filesystems on my Docker Swarm nodes every few years.

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Suddenly, VLC crashes when I jump forward in videos. It’s 100% reproducible. Reboot didn’t fix it. Starting on the shell, I see:

Assertion !p->parent->stash_hwaccel failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:649

Turns out, it’s this: https://forum.mxlinux.org/viewtopic.php?t=81068 Before I even went online, I assumed that turning off hardware acceleration might help. And it does. Phew!

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