In-reply-to » I got promoted today to try using Passkeys on Fine 😅 I did that, but I discovered that when you use your Passkey to login, Chrome prompts you for your device's password (i.e: The password you use to login to your macOS Desktop). Is that intentional? Kind of defeats the point no? I mean sure, now there's no Password being transmitted, stored or presented to but still, all an attacker has to do is somehow be on my device and know my login password to my device right? Is that better or worse? 🤔 I’m speculating, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s probably asking for your user password in order to access some user keyring (or whatever your OS uses to manage user secret credentials) used to safely store your passkeys related data in order to do its passkeys /ME doing air quotes Magic™ … you could try with a different password manager to avoid said scenario.

Also, passkeys UX sucks.

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In-reply-to » Some satisfying icicle-breaking in our backyard: Hahaha, that’s sick, I love it! :-D I envy you a bit. On the other hand, I have to admit I’m glad that I don’t have to chisel down giant blocks of ice from the house.

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In-reply-to » What would you like the new twtxt logo to be? Comments: Media I can do that as soon as I get back home. Also, just in case you’ve missed it, Choice 1 is actually 4 different variations.

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In-reply-to » I'm in an article in Quanta Magazine! It's about the bizarre world of algorithms that re-use memory that's already full. I'm the one with all the snow in the background. I am a big fan of “obvious” math facts that turn out to be wrong. If you want to understand how reusing space actually works, you are mostly stuck reading complexity theory papers right now. Ian wrote a good survey: . It’s written for complexity theorists, but some of will make sense to programmers comfortable with math. Alternatively, I wrote an essay a few years ago explaining one technique, with (math-loving) programmers as the intended audience: .

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In-reply-to » Some satisfying icicle-breaking in our backyard: Mate, what an amazing video, holy cow! :-D We only get complete jokes of icicles compared to what you had there ealier today. It’s a giant wall. For how many days did that grow on your roof?

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In-reply-to » I'm in an article in Quanta Magazine! It's about the bizarre world of algorithms that re-use memory that's already full. I'm the one with all the snow in the background. Oh, that’s neat! Interesting how “obviously” isn’t all that obvious at all, even to the contrary. I reckon I have to read up on that subject on the weekend. :-)

I like how Ian’s and your photo complement each other, winter and summer join forces for something special. :-)

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In-reply-to » Some satisfying icicle-breaking in our backyard: Wooooaaaahhh! That is BY FAR the biggest icicle I’ve ever seen. Really cool! :-) How long did it take to melt in your sink? The video download is still dripping in, looking forward to that.

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In-reply-to » Today is an important day. We have a new extension: Direct message 🪇🗨️🚀🥳❤️ #twtxt Oh, look at that. 🤯 I promise, I’ll catch up once all the stuff, that’s currently going on in my private life, is over. (Which will be … soon … I hope.)

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In-reply-to » You have a microwave oven at home, right? It’s not that old. I think I got it shortly before Covid. I might have explicitly chosen a model with a dial, though, I don’t remember. 😅

It sounds like fun, though. Reminds me of toying around with digital calculators in the 90ies. 😃

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In-reply-to » Something interesting to think about for twtxt, the microblogging for hackers and friends... I couldn’t care less about ActivityPub, but twtxt is the thing for hackers by design. That’s the appealing part for me, personally. I actually do enjoy that not everybody and their dogs are here. :-) I agree!

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In-reply-to » This twt is from an unknown or muted feed. I don’t know, I don’t see this happening all that often. Very rarely. The problem I encounter much more often is that tech folks are blindly adopting every new hype without thinking the slightest bit what the consequences might be.

But maybe that also means I’m one of these “told you so” guys. Not sure.

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In-reply-to » You have a microwave oven at home, right?

I’m surprised, here you can’t find dial controls anymore. How old are your ovens? The last one my parents had was from the 90s.

I was amazed experimenting with different combinations, for instance instead of 100, using 60 for a minute, 90 for 1:30, and stupid stuff like heating with 11, 22, 55 seconds and so, to make it quicker to type any time.

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In-reply-to » What would you like the new twtxt logo to be? Comments: Media

among these options, 3

Although I like it more “twt”, without the dot and with a t at the end

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In-reply-to » Some satisfying icicle-breaking in our backyard: All the URL are missing the protocol part (https://) and my markdown parser does not know how to handle but I see yarnd does it just fine.

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In-reply-to » It would appear that Google's web crawlers are ignoring the robots.txt that I have on with content: Have you tried Google’s robots.txt report? . I would expect Google to be pretty good about this sort of thing. If you have the energy to dig into it and, for example, post on, I’d be curious to hear what you find out.

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In-reply-to » Something interesting to think about for twtxt, the microblogging for hackers and friends...

Feels like a wider problem with the Internet and to some extent computing as a whole. I’m not advocating for elitism or hostile design, but things are being dumbed down to a ridiculous extent - everyone is encouraged to use their computer as a social media box, streaming + gaming console, not learning how it works (even at the most surface level), no more making your own website, your game you never finish, your collection of media in various file formats… When there is an error, you get a generic error message, the networking app is afraid to let the user come into contact with any networking, past scanning the WiFi QR code or plugging in the Internet cable.

Back when I was in primary school, everyone wanted to run their own personal blog website about nonsense nobody else cared about, downloaded songs, movies, games they had to solve problems to run. Maybe we should once again encourage people to think, at least a little.

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In-reply-to » (#4fmwoaq) (I keep thinking that going back go Gopher or Gemini might be a good idea at this point. They don’t care about that, probably. 🫣)

well, Gemini clients like Lagrange allow to show inline images when you click on an image link. Text based clients, like Amfora, usually allow to watch the image in another ‘window’.

For example here: gemini:// and there

I agree that some topics require images to make it easier to explain.

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develop app
do video streaming
test on Windows
works on Chromium (Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Opera,…) doesn’t work on Firefox
think “surely it’s Chromium/blink compatible, Gecko is what we need to focus on
test on MacOS
Safari broken, Edge broken, Firefox broken, Chrome functions perfectly

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In-reply-to » (#4fmwoaq) (I keep thinking that going back go Gopher or Gemini might be a good idea at this point. They don’t care about that, probably. 🫣)

What I really do miss in Gopher/Gemini are inline images. I mean, yes, I’m a minimalist, but blog posts like this one without inline images are just a total mess. 🫤

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In-reply-to » On my hit list of assholes tech giants that break the rules and are bad web citizens:

Let me see how mine come out:

  • This is the first bulleted line.
  • This is the second bulleted line.
  • This is the third.

This concludes my test.

⤋ Read More It’s the blind abiding that worries me a lot. I’m still reading his letter, plus some other similar things I’ve come across I’ll share later. It’s all fucking horrifying just how fucking goddamn corrupted everything is lately 🤦‍♂️

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In-reply-to » Yesterday I was doing a lot of research on how #hyperdrive and the #holepunch project work. Would it be possible to use it to make #twtxt an easier gateway for new users? Could we stop using web servers? My conclusion: We would end up being a #nostr. On the one hand it would become more complex to use, it would force the user to have software installed, and on the other hand the community would need a central proxy to make the routes accessible via HTTP. In other words, it's not a good idea. However, it's an AMAZING technology. I want to start playing with it.

Why not? I’m agree about hyperdrive and holepunch but do know how nostr related. Also gateway can be more that one without having nostr discovery problem

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Bloody hell 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

$ jq -r --arg host "" '. | select($host) | "\(.request.client_ip) \(.request.uri) \(.request.headers["User-Agent"])"' | while IFS=$' ' read -r ip uri ua; do asn="$(geoip -a "$ip")"; echo "$asn $ip $uri $ua"; done | grep -E '^45102.*' | sort | head
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]
45102 / ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.43"]

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I am so, so, so fed up with the arrogance of people in tech. People think they know everything. Everything is easy and trivial. “Told you so!”, everywhere you look. And this bloody condescending tone, all the time. When I ask for an opinion, I don’t want to get a “well, duh, idiot”. For fuck’s sake.

It’s nothing new, it’s always been like that. Which makes it even worse.

This really makes me not want to work in this field anymore.

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Yesterday I was doing a lot of research on how #hyperdrive and the #holepunch project work. Would it be possible to use it to make #twtxt an easier gateway for new users? Could we stop using web servers?
My conclusion: We would end up being a #nostr. On the one hand it would become more complex to use, it would force the user to have software installed, and on the other hand the community would need a central proxy to make the routes accessible via HTTP. In other words, it’s not a good idea.
However, it’s an AMAZING technology. I want to start playing with it.

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In-reply-to » I got promoted today to try using Passkeys on Fine 😅 I did that, but I discovered that when you use your Passkey to login, Chrome prompts you for your device's password (i.e: The password you use to login to your macOS Desktop). Is that intentional? Kind of defeats the point no? I mean sure, now there's no Password being transmitted, stored or presented to but still, all an attacker has to do is somehow be on my device and know my login password to my device right? Is that better or worse? 🤔 That boycott didn’t last very long, eh!?

Yeah, sounds like another hype train arriving at the station.

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In-reply-to » I'm continuing my tt rewrite in Go and quickly implemented a stack widget for tview. The builtin Pages is similar but way too complicated for my use case. I would have to specify a mandatory name and some additional options for each page. Also, it allows me to randomly jump around between pages using names, but only gives me direct access the first, however, not the last page. Weird. I don't wanna remember names. All I really need is a classic stack. You open a new fullscreen dialog and maybe another one on top of that. Closing the upper most brings you back to the previous one and so on. I’ll let you know once it reaches a point where it might be barely usable by someone else than myself. There are long ways to go, though. Right now, you don’t wanna even look at it. :-)

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In-reply-to » I'm continuing my tt rewrite in Go and quickly implemented a stack widget for tview. The builtin Pages is similar but way too complicated for my use case. I would have to specify a mandatory name and some additional options for each page. Also, it allows me to randomly jump around between pages using names, but only gives me direct access the first, however, not the last page. Weird. I don't wanna remember names. All I really need is a classic stack. You open a new fullscreen dialog and maybe another one on top of that. Closing the upper most brings you back to the previous one and so on.

Thinking about trying tt. If it really usable i will abandon twtxtdon (service to read twtxt feeds from mastodon client), which currently has only authorization implemented

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I’m continuing my tt rewrite in Go and quickly implemented a stack widget for tview. The builtin Pages is similar but way too complicated for my use case. I would have to specify a mandatory name and some additional options for each page. Also, it allows me to randomly jump around between pages using names, but only gives me direct access the first, however, not the last page. Weird. I don’t wanna remember names. All I really need is a classic stack. You open a new fullscreen dialog and maybe another one on top of that. Closing the upper most brings you back to the previous one and so on.

The very first dialog I added is viewing the raw message text. Unlike in’s TwtxtReader, I’m not able to include the original timestamp, though. I don’t have it in its original form in the database. :-/

Next up is a URL view.

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You have a microwave oven at home, right?

You can type 3 and 0 for 30 seconds, 100 for a minute (shown as 1:00), or 200 for two minutes (2:00).

What would happen if you type 777 and Start?
A) Nothing
B) Self-destruction
C) Will run for 7 minutes and 77 seconds (boring!)

What about 7777 ?

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In-reply-to » i made a little twtxt feed fixer for when a feed uses other whitespace instead of tabs.

What exact feeds are we talking about that uses spaces instead of tabs or the T’s in timestamp?

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In-reply-to » (#py6tmvq) @lyse Where? 🧐 Of course you don’t notice it when yarnd only shows at most the last n messages of a feed. As an example, check out mckinley’s message from 2023-01-09T22:42:37Z. It has “[Scheduled][Scheduled][Scheduled]“… in it. This text in square brackets is repeated numerous times. If you search his feed for closing square bracket followed by an opening square bracket (][) you will find a bunch more of these. It goes without question he never typed that in his feed. My client saves each twt hash I’ve explicitly marked read. A few days ago, I got plenty of apparently years old, yet suddenly unread messages. Each and every single one of them containing this repeated bracketed text thing. The only conclusion is that something messed up the feed again.

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In-reply-to » Linear feeds are a dark pattern - A proposal for Mastodon I like this idea. Another option would be to show a limited number of posts, with an option to see the omitted ones by user. Either way, I wonder how well that works with threading.

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Boah, jetzt mal ernsthaft, was ist denn das für ein Dialog bittesehr!?


Wer hat sich zu dieser Meldung diese Knopfauswahl überlegt und dann auch noch die Icons dazu ausgedacht? Und warum hat’s das Zertifikat überhaupt schon wieder zerlegt? Und wieso kommt der Dialog direkt wieder in ner Endlosschleife hoch, wenn ich abbreche? Komplettversagen nach Strich und Faden an allen Enden. Allen. Grrr, so viel Hass! Ich schalt besser die Büchse aus.

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In-reply-to » i made a little twtxt feed fixer for when a feed uses other whitespace instead of tabs. Tolerant yes, but in the right places. This is just encouraging people to not properly care. The extreme end is HTML where parsers basically accept any input. I’m not a fan of that. Whatever.

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In-reply-to » Have you ever had to refactor a project that was not documented? Any suggestions?

ok, sounds like a ‘large’ project to me.
Is it more an API (more oriented to developers), more oriented to UI/UX/Frontend? Perhaps both?

I’d go with prologic’s advice of measuring and prioritizing. Perhaps you have a budget or at least something like “let’s see how far can we reach in 6 months”, and possibly you won’t finish in the time you have (just guessing).

Something that has helped me was defining “Why do you we want to refactor this project?”.
Could it be to make it compile on newer versions, or making it easier to grow and scale, or perhaps they are trying to sell that product to another company. Every reason has a different path, IMO.

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