Swa this pop up in my Github news feed today 🤔


Which links to https://github.com/musingstudio/go-subclub

A Go (golang) library for interacting with the sub.club API.

So I got curious and had a peek 👀

Let’s fund the Fediverse

Posting or hosting on the open social networks no longer means you have to do it for free. Developer Preview now available.

And further down:

Monetize your feeds

If you post quality content and you’ve developed a loyal audience, you should be able to ask your most passionate followers to support you with a premium subscription.

That’s a promise not available on the Fediverse …until now.

Hmmm 🤔

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This happened yesterday:

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

The first give away is the sender, sendgrid@autovitalsinc.com. Not Sengrid. Now, check the URL on the link provided to check the account activity:


I was curious, so I follow it on my dedicated VM for these kind of things. It took me to a page looking exactly like a Sendgrid login, with a sendgrid.net URL. Upon entering yourmotherisahamster@gmail.com, as username, and yourfathersmellsofelderberries as password, it sent me to https://screenprank.com/gandalf/.

It was well done. This morning the same link renders a blank page with a “Not found” link that takes you to a 404. Hmm…

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There was a time when WebKit (I think it was WebKit) stored metadata of downloads in extended attributes. Like the URL you were downloading it from.


This was really useful. 🤔 Chromium also did it for a while and then they removed it due to privacy concerns. Now none of the popular browsers do it anymore. 🫤

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I’m out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

On the way there I picked two handful of blackberries in the forest. Delicious!

Today was the second time in my life that I saw a grass snake in the wild. They can easily be recognized by the yellow “ears”. Unfortunately, this one was run over. :-( But I jumped at the opportunity to photograph it as it didn’t escape in a fraction of a second like my first encounter three years ago. Still, poor fellow. :-(

Run over grass snake

Run over grass snake

On the way home, a deer jumped out of the brush in front of me and headed down the forest road before it went back in the other side. As always, that’s nice.

I also had to slow down a bunch of times because of frogs or toads on the paths. Not sure which ones, it was already after dark. I guesstimate it must have been 60-70 amphibians in total, maybe more. Some of them did not move to the wayside but rather into the middle of the track, right in front of me. Crazy suicide frogs! There were four reeeeaaaallly close calls. I could just avoid stepping on them after they tried to hop right under my boot. Not a centimeter to spare. No toads were harmed during my trip. Phew!

Once I had to stop completely because of the large activity ahead of me. A larger (about the size of half a palm) individual surrounded my foot and then jumped against my heel. Twice! What the heck!? :-D But suuuper cool experience. I’m very glad I actually went out. Totally worth it. I met so many amazing animals. Don’t care about the missed sunset a single bit.

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The potato shed is fully insect proof and the tender leaves are untouched and uneaten by beetles.
Great idea, will we get potatoes and can I grow them all year round… Have to wait and see…. More larger shade houses to build to keep the beetles out.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now.

@abucci@anthony.buc.ci Thank you for using Lyse’s Unofficial Yarnd Help Desk: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/yarnd-disable-registrations.png

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In-reply-to » There is a bug in yarnd that's been around for awhile and is still present in the current version I'm running that lets a person hit a constructed URL like

Now responds with an error page; but still a 200 OK which I’m not entirely sure I agree with or am happy with? Hmm



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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt.

@falsifian@www.falsifian.org @bender@twtxt.net I pushed an alternative implementation to the fetch-context branch. This integrates the whole thing into mutt/jenny.

You will want to configure a new mutt hotkey, similar to the “reply” hotkey:

macro index,pager <esc>C "\
<enter-command> set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode nopipe_decode<Enter>\
<pipe-message> jenny -c<Enter>\
<enter-command> set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode<Enter>" \
"Try to fetch context of current twt, like a missing root twt"

This pipes the mail to jenny -c. jenny will try to find the thread hash and the URL and then fetch it. (If there’s no URL or if the specific twt cannot be found in that particular feed, it could query a Yarn pod. That is not yet implemented, though.)

The whole thing looks like this:


In other words, when there’s a missing root twt, you press a hotkey to fetch it, done.

I think I like this version better. 🤔

(This needs a lot of testing. 😆)

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It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven’t checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn’t remember anything on that.

Garden with sunflowers in the background

Garden with sunflowers in the background

More scenery: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2024-08-25/

Neither of us has ever seen such a marmelade bun mushroom:

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

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Love the program James has given me, I just edited some 40 webpages from junk viewing to nice, in a few minutes per edit, as shown in the two programs both running in Windows Mode.

On the left is directly to the Webserver files On the right is the webpage running over the www

Really nice and easy to navigate.

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In-reply-to » I've decided to try and get rid of as much stress as possible. Stupid things stress me out, some things are more important to fix then others. But today I got started, by fixing the xeon bulb on our car, been ignoring it for a year, because the car garage said it'll cost me 350$ so get it changed (Because they had to remove the whole front).. So because of that I did not prioritize it. But today I went and bought a bulb for 50$ and I openened the hood of the car and saw I could just replace it my self by simply removing a cover to get access to the bulb. So I've been stressing over nothing for a year simply because I did not check and took their word for it. next thing to get fixed is a rotten board under a window outside, been bugging me for a long time, now I want to get that sorted next. All these small things adds up, and I want peace of mind.

@stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no Oh, I know that feeling all too well. Go for it! ✌️




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Finally fixed so that usernames mentioned in a post shows up as @user , and not with brackets and twtxt file url, looks so much better now! One thing I want to focus on next - is handling replies to a status, that will make it much easier to follow a conversation.

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OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….

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A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone.
Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

Obviously the wheat has few minerals in it and not worth eating,,,fancy that we eat wheat bread all the time. What a waste of time !!! eating nothing in it…. I might trying growing my own wheat with at least 60 minerals in it, but costly to make.

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In-reply-to » It's also (expectedly) in the feed file on disk:

@prologic@twtxt.net Yep. Doesn’t matter if JS in turned on or not. So it is somewhere hiding in the Go core. Some replacement going berserk, I’d say.

It happens to each bracketed text individually: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/bracketed-text/triple.png

But then the question still is, why on earth does it happen to old twts, too? I’m getting into my code excavator.

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In-reply-to » @lyse As far as I know, they're still visible in the Web UI. Although, in the mobile app and youtube.com, I believe it tells you that the video isn't available without having to click on it. They don't tell you that in the RSS feed, and I agree; it gets annoying.

Righto, @prologic@twtxt.net, I just checkout out current main of yarnd (commit 5101ec240ddb0e5e39809bf8a7b847508b3ac298) and ran make dev. After registering a user and logging in, I then entered a twt with double bracketed text (without the equal sign on the second one, though) and it was expanded into eight brackets. So, this is clearly a bug. Let me dig deeper.

I hope I zoomed in enough, so you can read the stuff on my screenshot: https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/bracketed-text/bug.png

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