Welcome me back folks, thanks to my Son James, off_grid_living is back !!!
Now lets look at what I have been doing lately.
This is the corn patch, around 300 seeds planted 2 days ago, hopefully the frost is over. And the rat baits are out, see the round plastic tubes, and so the seeds can grow without being eaten, as in previous years.
SO far this adventure has cost me $100, for 2 loads of 4m3 cow manure. I dump it onto the soil without digging, really hard sandy texture on top of ground, 2 inches thick and plant the corn seeds from last year into the soil. Lazy and efficient method. No weeding, no digging. The metal boxes define the area, it is around 25m long and 4 m wide with four brown pipes for 1 hr watering twice every day. Though the holes in the pipes are blocked by the sweeter bore water, so I have to hand water every day as well. The brown pipes are only 1 year of use, so its costly to upgrade them every year.