In-reply-to » Media A picture of our lovely hens. Notice the red arrows of the feed they waste and leave alone. Wheat. They hate wheat, lying around in huge 3m area on the carpet.

My old friend Lyse, you are still around.

Yes the pictures are bad, shot on evening light, with shaky hand I guess, 400,000 bytes, too big a file

The carpet is our covering over the ground, can’t afford tiles. Nice place for chooks to eat off.

I reckon there would be over 40Kg wasted seed on the ground, the chooks hate eating the wheat, because it probably has 3 minerals in eat, N P K and maybe some Ca, Mg and Fe from the ground. No where good enough to build the 3D molecules chooks and humans need in their bodies. Farmers cannot afford growing wheat with 60 minerals in it. The cost for that I reckon would be $10 a kg for the wheat on it’s own. Wow wheat is around $600 per tonne, or 60cents per Kg. See my point? If I grew say a hectare of wheat, 100m by 100m soil adding 100mm of cow manure over the ground at 4m3 that is 40m2 of ground I cover costly $60 to get this, labour is free and maintenance of car free, 10,000 / 40 = 250 trailer loads of cow manure, costing me $15,000. I would get for a yield..

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