part 2, James your twtxt is way too short…. say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn’t. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost.

The chooks would love to eat such wheat, but imagine the cost of making it?

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Yeah I can easily write heaps when I need to, to night for example I am awake at 2:13 am tying here. I have to finish a book I am getting ready for others to read. So far the book is over 60 pages long.

Thank you for the access to Spiritual Springs and TWTXT. Now all I have to do is get Apache running again off some local drive, I doubt it will work on a Linux Ubuntu machine, as there is no local hard drive C, is this understanding correct? I could configure it to run off a local drive on a memory stick?

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