part 2, James your twtxt is way too short.... say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn't. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost.
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Yeah I can easily write heaps when I need to, to night for example I am awake at 2:13 am tying here. I have to finish a book I am getting ready for others to read. So far the book is over 60 pages long.
Thank you for the access to Spiritual Springs and TWTXT. Now all I have to do is get Apache running again off some local drive, I doubt it will work on a Linux Ubuntu machine, as there is no local hard drive C, is this understanding correct? I could configure it to run off a local drive on a memory stick?