Hmm? I see
Problem I see is the files are located where Ubuntu wants to put them, not where I want to put them?
“Your package manager (apt) does not prompt you, because the package maintainer has chosen some defaults for you which works with the rest of the system. So there is simply no need. Why would you want to change the installation directory anyways?” I see Lyse, but that is the point of file management, moving files and the executable to where you want them. One memory stick for example. To run them double left click on them
I don’t like the files in a folder /var/www/ why can’t I make my own path, and confige Apache.exe to run from a configured path? Say entirely off a memory stick?
If you create a website, you want the entire executable to move with you… easier that way…. You take the memory stick with the executable file with you, and it runs and uploads with a double left click. The idea of running through a Linux default means you can’t remove your website elsewhere?? For example I have many small software programs that go where I go, I wish I too Word 7 with me, docX files are a pain. GIF emulator.exe for example, Note2Pad.exe another example. I don’t like apps stored inside some machine. Emails is another pain, all my emails are stored in rich file format on files outside of the program. For example is a bank fails, what happens to your money ? Old schooled keep things more robust.