This tool, using age is pretty neat: So simple, yet seemingly powerful! their main question is worrisome:
“The main question is, does it disappear during this re-entry?” says Löhle. “Is everything evaporating, or are there pieces that eventually impact on the ground?”
He expects some parts, such as the satellite’s fuel tanks, to survive. “You could learn from the re-entry that if you build a fuel tank differently, it can break up,” he says.
Archived article at:
jenny --fetch-context
😁 so lovely, ain’t it? A simple keystroke, and your “mystery” is solved. :-) hehehehe. Enjoy, but careful with sugary stuff! :-) what made you make such “financially sound” recommendation? Have you switched jobs, and are now a Financial Advisor? :-P wow! We are “lucky” today, only 27°C here, 87% humidity, overcast, and raining sporadically. Thanks to the rain our temperatures aren’t high, but muggy nevertheless. I am ready for our winter too, you know, that whole week. LOL. pretty cool! Switched, and pulled. Nice update on README
! have you tried jenny’s fetch-context
branch? It works great!
users out here, what's the trick to highlight threads with new messages? No user interaction, just upon opening, or while opened, have threads with new, unread messages in it highlighted. Thanks! yup, this works well. I needed those extra settings.
users out here, what's the trick to highlight threads with new messages? No user interaction, just upon opening, or while opened, have threads with new, unread messages in it highlighted. Thanks! I think I have got it, but need to test upon receiving further posts. I added:
set uncollapse_new = yes # open threads when new mail
set uncollapse_jump = yes # jump to unread message when uncollapse
set collapse_unread = no # don't collapse threads with unread mails
Let’s see how it goes.
Maybe the can take this case, and shed some light.
I wonder what ever happened to “jlj”. All about him pretty much disappeared from the net.
users out here, what's the trick to highlight threads with new messages? No user interaction, just upon opening, or while opened, have threads with new, unread messages in it highlighted. Thanks!
Collapsed threads, that is. If I un-collapse a thread, new/unread messages show on the intended new colour, but while the thread is in collapsed state, there is no highlight., cool, so I can join the threads, but your edit to the original will never show at my end. Will have show the screenshot.
., let’s break it!
For the mutt
users out here, what’s the trick to highlight threads with new messages? No user interaction, just upon opening, or while opened, have threads with new, unread messages in it highlighted. Thanks! in Australia, take everything you have learned, and do the opposite. After all, it is the land down under! :-D didn’t know there was a place to fix them; in here we toss them. Wish it was cheap to ship stuff. I have a couple of decent monitors in the garage that will soon take a trip to the curve… ugh, how come didn’t this occurred to me…! Oh well, I am good now, but noted. Thanks! salt’em to keep them viable longer. Salt’em! :-D yay! Law and order on the watch! Yeah, haven’t seeing the for a while. I often wonder if we are, finally, crime free. :-D
cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny
's configuration: woot! Yes! Perfect now. Hitting reply opens it with insert, and prompt at the end of the first line. Just as I wanted it. Thank you much!
vim "+normal $"
, how cool! :-) Thanks @quark! welcome! :-) I am doing my best to get more acquaintance with vi
. I think nano
has spoiled me too much. LOL.
cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny
's configuration: hmm, I am already using au BufNewFile,BufRead jenny-posting.eml setl completefunc=jenny#CompleteMentions fo-=t wrap
, from jenny
. How would I go to incorporate that there? “good, good, and fascinating indeed” – says Quark, all while eating an overflowing toast with butter, and blackberry jam. :-D power outages happen here almost every single time strong storms pass by, I know the feeling mate. It truly sucks.
cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny
's configuration: hmm, I guess I could do that too. I have startinsert
set on my .vimrc
, so I will either have to take it out, or exit insert, $
, then insert again. I think the way you do it would be the way to go.
I tried setting VISUAL
to be something like vim -c 'star!'
, which does the same thing, but no dice. :-/, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim
cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny
’s configuration:
"editor": "vim \"+normal $\"",
But that doesn’t work. How would you go about it?
that's been around for awhile and is still present in the current version I'm running that lets a person hit a constructed URL like sounds fair. Let’s see how it works for Speedy fix, that’s awesome! :-)
User error on this one. It works perfectly!
Never mind, I simply searched and deleted them all (D
then ~f sender
). :-) Phew! is there a way to purge twtxts from a feed I no longer follow?
branch. This integrates the whole thing into mutt/jenny., using the branch on topic right now, it works perfect. The only thing I found was that I had to quit neomutt, and re-open, to see the perfect thread. Other than that, I love it!
(@prologic, can't mention anyone outside this pod, by the way), I looked the user up: I wonder if the "hashes" they are using will work out of the box with jenny
. hmm, I wonder if these are simply twtxts auto created from an ActivityPub feed. Ah, crap, they are. LOL. confirming that the issue isn’t present when using alacrity. Wow. the reason behind his sporadic disappearances is that he runs things from a Raspberry Pi, at home, I believe. That impacts reliability, I figure. my fault! Err, I meant to say,’s! LOL.
client by buckket to actually fetch and fill the cache. I think one of of the patches played around with the error reporting. This way, any problems with fetching or parsing feeds show up immediately. Once I think, I've seen enough errors, I unsubscribe. ah, if only you were to finally clean up that code, and make that client widely available…! One can only dream, right? :-) I mean, dinosaurs “evolved” by getting wiped, right? :-D you said you liked seeing the hash (which is a fair choice!). All I am asking is for a reconsideration as a user configurable feature. ;-) It looks redundant, in my opinion. it sure breaks the index formatting., this one,, is slightly breaking my neomutt index. Will post screenshot from’s account., that would be a nice addition. :-) I would also love the ability to hide/not show the hash when reading twtxts (after all, that’s on the header on each “email”). Could that be added as a user configurable toggle? I have a custom .tmux.conf
that makes it very easy to use the multiplexer, but I agree, Zellij seems pretty robust, and intuitive. I like it! Tried compiling it, as with everything Rust, it failed miserably. Good thing there is a binary release I could download to try! a poem about me giving Odo a free bucket:
A glint in his eye, a sly, Ferengi grin,
Quark crossed the promenade, a curious thing within.
No jeweled trinket, no weapon so grand,
But a simple pail held tight in his hand.Odo, the Constable, with a brow raised high,
“A bucket, Quark? What trickery do you try?”
The Ferengi huckster, with a salesman’s flair,
“A gift, my friend, a constable’s rare!”“For those late-night spills, a morphing mishap,
This bucket, dear Odo, will catch every scrap.
And should a suspect turn to goop and flee,
This pail’s the answer, a guarantor, you see!”Odo’s lips twitched, a hint of a smile,
At Quark’s twisted logic, his mercantile style.
“Perhaps,” he conceded, the bucket held tight,
“A useful addition, in the pursuit of right.”So Quark made his sale, with a wink and a nod,
A bucket for Odo, a Ferengi oddity, odd.
But on Deep Space Nine, where chaos takes hold,
Even a pail can be worth more than gold.
About the account, thanks, but I already have way too many. :-D ha! He goes his “poem”:
A string of letters, a forgotten name,
An email crafted, a message to claim.
We hit send with a click, a hopeful sigh,
But a bounce-back arrives, a tear in our eye.“Delivery failed,” the message reads cold,
The address it seems, is a story untold.
A ghost in the system, a memory’s trace,
Lost in the void of cyberspace.
:-D, in your blog, I think a “line-heigh” of 1.5 (if I remember correctly you are setting it on the “body” on CSS) will make it more legible. dear lord! Can you still sleep at night?!
@xuu wow, I can tell I am older than you (I already knew this, but still). It was nothing but Pascal for me.
If Canonical really want to entice the enterprise to buy support, they really need to step up. As of now they are not even close to offer the quality of support Red Hat offers. Not even close.
account. I am assuming these kind of bugs were never addressed by @prologic. :-(
and by me, I meant Bender. LOL. weird you mentioned my with the
account. I am assuming these kind of bugs were never addressed by :-(, do you have an example of conf.json in which I can see all the configuration possibilities? Thanks!