POWER EFFIN’ OUTAGE!!! Electricity came back after ~10 min like… no beggie BUT, Internet stayed out for like 2 more hrs 😅
Throw your “Get rich quick” plans at me, I wanna be able to afford suing somebody/something about this. 😂 It’s not the first time that this happened and I’m sure it’s not gonna be the last.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com power outages happen here almost every single time strong storms pass by, I know the feeling mate. It truly sucks.
@quark@ferengi.one We’re having a nice day out here, Clear sky, 26.2 °C (altough it feels like a ~30 °C) … no storms! And the most annoying thing is, THIS happens to my monitor whenever there is a power outage:
With each one a row of pixels gets chipped out … and no I can’t afford a UPS at the moment.
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org I have no Idea, I still haven’t found a repair shop I can trust with my monitor. As for the blackouts, they don’t have consistent frequency. Sometimes it’s once every 3 months… other times it’s 3 times a day 😂
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com didn’t know there was a place to fix them; in here we toss them. Wish it was cheap to ship stuff. I have a couple of decent monitors in the garage that will soon take a trip to the curve…
@quark@ferengi.one LOL we repair everything in here 😆 … I just have a problem with trusting people with my stuff because of past experiences. “Better a half broken screen than no screen” kind of thing.