@movq@www.uninformativ.de I don’t know if I’d want to discard the twts. I think what I’m looking for is a command “jenny -g https://host.org/twtxt.txt” to fetch just that one feed, even if it’s not in my follow list. I could wrap that in a shell script so that when I see a twt in reply to a feed I don’t follow, I can just tap a key and the feed will get added to my maildir. I guess the script would look for a mention at the start of a selected twt and call jenny -g on the feed.

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@prologic@twtxt.net Yes, fetching the twt by hash from some service could be a good alternative, in case the twt I have does not @-mention the source. (Besides yarnd, maybe this should be part of the registry API? I don’t see fetch-by-hash in the registry API docs.)

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@falsifian@www.falsifian.org Yeah this is a good idea. Opening up the little tiny API that yarnd has for “peering” between pods for this reason. It’s quite simple really and its actually open publicly, so you can just use the scripts I wrote.

One thing to bare in mind is that Twtxt (the original spec) is largely dead, this included the registry. The registry in practise was never really widely used, and suffers from “centralization” – Which registry do you use? Its for this reason we built a search engine/crawler to help with searching and discovery. Anyway I digress… LMK if you want to go down this path, happy to document it beyond the scripts I wrote.

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@prologic@twtxt.net How does yarn.social’s API fix the problem of centralization? I still need to know whose API to use.

Say I see a twt beginning (#hash) and I want to look up the start of the thread. Is the idea that if that twt is hosted by a a yarn.social pod, it is likely to know the thread start, so I should query that particular pod for the hash? But what if no yarn.social pods are involved?

The community seems small enough that a registry server should be able to keep up, and I can have a couple of others as backups. Or I could crawl the list of feeds followed by whoever emitted the twt that prompted my query.

I have successfully used registry servers a little bit, e.g. to find a feed that mentioned a tag I was interested in. Was even thinking of making my own, if I get bored of my too many other projects :-)

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@falsifian@www.falsifian.org So yes, you would ask a pod about the missing Twt by hash, or whatever. Pods do this already, even though there aren’t that many now, so it maybe a bit less effective today. However it’s more of a small/tiny “distributed” protocol, you ask any pod.

On registries however, I think a registry is the wrong approach. I see far greater value in feed crawlers and search engines like the (half baked one) I built over at https://search.twtxt.net/

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@falsifian@www.falsifian.org I think I’m missing something in my description. When I say “search engine” I also mean “with a crawler” that is able to self-discover feeds. A registry (as designed today, or as the spec described) required users to add their feeds to one or more registries, putting the burden on the user(s). I for example do not bother adding my feed to a registry (which one would I add it to anyway?)

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@prologic@twtxt.net I believe you when you say registries as designed today do not crawl. But when I first read the spec, it conjured in my mind a search engine. Now I don’t know how things work out in practice, but just based on reading, I don’t see why it can’t be an API for a crawling search engine. (In fact I don’t see anything in the spec indicating registry servers shouldn’t crawl.)

(I also noticed that https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/registry.html recommends “The registries should sync each others user list by using the users endpoint”. If I understood that right, registering with one should be enough to appear on others, even if they don’t crawl.)

Does yarnd provide an API for finding twts? Is it similar?

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@falsifian@www.falsifian.org You are totally right. The specs are at least “open enough” for us to consider that as an implementation detail. We, and by we I mean @movq@www.uninformativ.de @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org @bender@twtxt.net @xuu@txt.sour.is and others should discuss this in more detail I believe and try to see if we can agree on what we’re trying to solve.

Does yarnd provide an API for finding twts? Is it similar?

No, it doesn’t. But yarns (the search engine/crawler wrote) seems more fitting here. It’s been discussed before, the possibility of building a “Twtxt Register v1” compatible API for yarns. I think a search engine + crawler + registry (especially ones that can form a bit of a “distributed network) are far more useful I think in order to support the actual decentralised Twtxt / Yarn ecosystem (which is how I prefer to describe it).

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