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Recent twts from marado

Exactly 10 years ago Kokori’s first release on vinyl was out - and we celebrated with a release party in one of the afternoons of the Entremuralhas festival.
Ten years later, we’re back attending the festival, and this time we see one of the stands selling our latest release, rootkit, on CD! ♡



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I hate reading translations. Here’s an example why: the same passage of the English and the Portuguese translation of the same (French) book. Not just the length of the passage shows one of the translations wasn’t faithful, the behavior of the character in one version is the opposite than how he behaves on the other version…



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The only feature that leads me to use Gmail (and which I use extensively) is ‘Snooze’. For a few days now, it has not been working properly. Lost about what will I use to replace my workflows, but it also seems that Gmail is about to get one less user.

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I bet there is someone who wrote a paper, a book or something about the impact of the death of MySpace on music projects. I’m saying this more or less hoping that someone will one day point me to one, I’d love to read it. What I know is that lately I have been revisiting my record collection and confirming that there is an enormous amount of recording artists and projects that started with the MySpace phenomenon, and ended with MySpace’s death.

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O Presidente da República disse mesmo que termos este evento Católico a decorrer no nosso país laico é o maior acontecimento da democracia Portuguesa? Que vergonha.

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It has been a long time coming (ten years since book 11!), but 2023 saw the release of book 12 of “Piracy Is Liberation”. With it, I also ordered CBA’s vol. 58, entitled “Modern Glossalia or The Erosion Of Meaning”, which focuses (or at lease includes) a reflection of the growth of the extreme right, and their uses of language.


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Em 31 de Maio, a ampliação da Mina do Barroso obteve por parte da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, uma Declaração de Impacto Ambiental favorável, ainda que condicionada ao cumprimento de um conjunto de condições. As populações consideraram isto uma declaração de guerra e reagiram de imediato, prometendo a continuação e o endurecimento da luta.

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Pedro Nuno Santos a dizer que em qualquer empresa do mundo se comunica de diversar formas, incluindo via whatsapp. A AP está mesmo a precisar daqueles formações chapa 5 sobre segurança e privacidade de dados. Não, não é normal (ou aceitável) o uso de whatsapp (ou qq outra ferramenta não formalmente escolhida para o efeito de comunicação interna) para coisas destas.

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Já anda por aí, enquadrado no festival literário “Lamego, Cidade Poema”. É o livro “Era Uma Vez - Lamego 2023”, e tem o seu lançamento oficial no último momento do festival, domingo às 16h.

Participo nele com um texto de não-ficção para o leitor curioso geek: não haverão muitos, mas dá-me prazer saber que a história geek Lamecense vai estar nas prateleiras de uma qualquer biblioteca.

Lamego 2023

Lamego 2023

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O que se tira da novela do dia, óbvio mas que ninguém está a apontar: 1) não se usam equipamentos de dados para manter dados privados; 2) usar whatsapp para coisas profissionais, estatais e/ou governamentais é profundamente errado, deve ser criticado e não pode ser normalizado.

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Tomorrow is “Record Store Day”, a date that I have been feeling as yearly losing its purpose, now focused on the US and UK markets, markets, with a focus on commercialism. Today I read FLUR’s newsletter - a Portuguese record store that this year decided not to celebrate RSD, with an extraordinarily well articulated text on what is wrong with RSD (and the ‘vinyl indistry’) lately. A shame the text isn’t published somewhere.

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The old kindle story of digital burning of Fahrenheit 451 had already shown the perils of using e-book platforms, but the recent IA lawsuit has highlighted a graver danger: with one click, in an instant and without anyone knowing, a vendor can (and does) “update” a book. It is not that new issues of Agatha Christie’s books will be sold “moderized” it is that suddenly you cannot go to your library and find an old/original version. Chilling.

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My “one snippet” from today’s IPCC report: “Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all. The choices and actions implemented in this decade will have impacts now and for thousands of years.”

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On a recent interview, Neal Stephenson isn’t confident on the future of the planned Snow Crash adaptation into a TV series, but, on the plus side, “there’s some work underway to adapt a book I co-wrote called The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. into a television series.”

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Portugal has 1.64% of its 2023 PIB allocated to the war industry, but NATO thinks it should be 2% minimum. On the other hand, in 2019 we had 16.2% of the population under the poverty lines. Priorities…

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