How do I delete older entries? Older entries in what? you feed?
This should be an option to do this in the web gui and not only via the yarnc
terminal client or API.
AFAIK, the only way is to use yarnc
, but I do believe it is important that the web interface has an easy way for people to delete one of their twts, and just created a feature request.
depends on what you’re asking for? If you want to rotate your feet, there is a built-in job that runs every week that does this once your feed waitress at certain size.
deleting an arbitrary line in a file and it’s actually not that easy to do which is why I’ve never really done it. It’s quite tricky deleting the last line, however, is much easier. Yes, but how can it be done? You basisally have to rewrite the entire feed 😢
Yhen there’s the UI issue – I’m not keen on having an Edit/Delete button everywhere 😢 I think both me and are both only talking about getting a delete bottom, not edit besides on the latest post.
UI wise I would only put it under one’s own profile or even only under settings, so it will. It be everywhere. Hmmm
Got any other ideas for UI? yes, but I don’t got the time…😅
It should have stayed “… so it wouldn’t be everywhere”
I’m 4 hour delay on my train trip home from the Netherlands and will first be in bed after 02😴 Like this?
Actually the trash-icon could just replace the mute-icon since you would never need to mute your own posts, right? Good point 👌