Given the continued hostility of jam6 and buckket over Yarn’a use of Twtxt (even after several years! 😱) I am continuing to face hard decisions.

I am not sure what to do about this. 🤔 I am quite confident that the hostility and sentiment is not held by all Twtxt users past and present 😢

This is a case of a few upset purists who prefer to mock, shame and behave passive aggressively instead of contributing to a healthy discussion and ecosystem.

I am uncertain what Yarn should do here 😢

⤋ Read More Honestly this is quite disappointing to see as someone new to the twtxt/yarn ecosystem - it feels like the entirety of the buckket argument is based on a “purist” viewpoint when nothing yarn does feels fundamentally incompatible with original twtxt

Very sad 😔

However I do agree with jan6 on that while yarn is a great twtxt client, twtxt is a terrible yarn client

That doesn’t mean that yarn should change its underlying format away from twtxt though, twtxt is probably yarn’s biggest selling point

my view of twxt is essentially a feed of arbitrary plain text data with timestamps, which can open up the ecosystem to all sorts of good experimentation in clients

and for the specific case of multiline twts, when you actively have a pr waiting which addresses the issue, the stubbornness of the opposition seems quite unreasonable

that’s just my two cents, didn’t mean to write a paragraph (lol a multiline twt for you right here)

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