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Recent twts from darch@neotxt.dk
In-reply-to » 📣 NEW: Announcing the new and improved Yarns search engine and crawler! search.twtxt.net -- Example search for "Hello World" Enjoy! 🤗 -- @darch When you have this, this is what we need to work on in terms of improving the UI/UX. As a first step you should probably try to apply the same SimpleCSS to this codebase and go from there. -- In the end (didn't happen yet, time/effort) most of the code here in yarns will get reused directly into yarnd, except that I'll use the bluge indexer instead.

@prologic@twtxt.net I do’t want to split the index in 3. The first two would be on the user’s home pod only, a then you would be taken to a yarns instance
for the global search

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In-reply-to » 📣 NEW: Announcing the new and improved Yarns search engine and crawler! search.twtxt.net -- Example search for "Hello World" Enjoy! 🤗 -- @darch When you have this, this is what we need to work on in terms of improving the UI/UX. As a first step you should probably try to apply the same SimpleCSS to this codebase and go from there. -- In the end (didn't happen yet, time/effort) most of the code here in yarns will get reused directly into yarnd, except that I'll use the bluge indexer instead.

Down the line I like to see that the end user will be offer three leves if search:

  • Personal(ized) for only searching in feeds you follow (scope: Timeline)

  • Local/pod for search only feeds that are hosted or followed by other people on your home pod (scope: Discover)

  • Global for searching in all indexed feed

Maybe the 2nd level can be skipped, but it might become usefulness if the network grows and we get pods with special profiles like regional ones

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In-reply-to » 📣 NEW: Announcing the new and improved Yarns search engine and crawler! search.twtxt.net -- Example search for "Hello World" Enjoy! 🤗 -- @darch When you have this, this is what we need to work on in terms of improving the UI/UX. As a first step you should probably try to apply the same SimpleCSS to this codebase and go from there. -- In the end (didn't happen yet, time/effort) most of the code here in yarns will get reused directly into yarnd, except that I'll use the bluge indexer instead.

@prologic@twtxt.net would i make sense to move the global search to http://search.yarn.social or get another domain for it so it is not as as tidly bound to twrxt.net?

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In-reply-to » 📣 NEW: Announcing the new and improved Yarns search engine and crawler! search.twtxt.net -- Example search for "Hello World" Enjoy! 🤗 -- @darch When you have this, this is what we need to work on in terms of improving the UI/UX. As a first step you should probably try to apply the same SimpleCSS to this codebase and go from there. -- In the end (didn't happen yet, time/effort) most of the code here in yarns will get reused directly into yarnd, except that I'll use the bluge indexer instead.

@quark@ferengi.one try switching to query string under options


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In-reply-to » 📣 NEW: Announcing the new and improved Yarns search engine and crawler! search.twtxt.net -- Example search for "Hello World" Enjoy! 🤗 -- @darch When you have this, this is what we need to work on in terms of improving the UI/UX. As a first step you should probably try to apply the same SimpleCSS to this codebase and go from there. -- In the end (didn't happen yet, time/effort) most of the code here in yarns will get reused directly into yarnd, except that I'll use the bluge indexer instead.

@prologic@twtxt.net great work. All booked this weekend with AFK stuff, but hope I will have time next week to do something about the UI/UX

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In-reply-to » @darch What are we doing about the Link Verification (pop-up) and Image Lightbox (pop-up) features in yarnd? Are you working on those to get them working in the new SimpleCSS-based theme? 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net I would leave it there now. Personally I’m not using link validation feature, so we could remove it of there is not objections. Regarding image view option, there are some improvements that I would like to do to how it’s working atm

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In-reply-to » @darch What are we doing about the Link Verification (pop-up) and Image Lightbox (pop-up) features in yarnd? Are you working on those to get them working in the new SimpleCSS-based theme? 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net it is fixed by borrowing code from picoCSS in 00-pico-tech-debt.css, but it would be nice to redo it more in line with simpleCSS (someday/maybe)

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In-reply-to » @prologic Allright i did a little bug huting. Theres is a new PR ready now fixing some mobile UI bugs #1008

#bug Anyone else noticed that clicking on Bookmarks or Mute make the icon disappear?



I belive it was cause by the CSS changes I made in yesterdays PR, which have already been merged to main, but trying to roll back the change does not seem to fix it, so it might have been ther for some time.

Will others please test on their pods and report back here?

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In-reply-to » Its very hard to see the number with dark theme when you have small font on phone. I kinda want to change the blue to a more grey, and keep the letters white. Media

@stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no are you on your own pod? If you upgrade to the latest version of yarn from source it should look like this:


You can also change it by targeting the element using the Custom CSS field, but I have also been thinking to change the colors myself in the new theme based on SimpleCSS

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In-reply-to » lol apparently I’ve been suspended from Reddit due to some violation of content policy. However, they haven’t actually told me what content policy that I have violated. How to get unsuspended? Prove that you haven’t violated the content security policy. This is the most asinine thing that I’ve ever seen.

@prologic@twtxt.net for my pod and all the pods to come i envision some kind of membership feed of maybe 1eur på month or 5eur pr year and then we will provide all the service you would need to selfhost you digital life. Similar to pikapod and sandstorm but way easier to use for the average person

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In-reply-to » I noticed some unnecessary horizontal rules being rendered at the bottom of twts in the conversation view lately with yarnd's new design change. They can be seen at least when not being logged in. Not sure if it is the same experience with an active user session. I reckon there will be fork buttons then, so in that case they would be fine, indeed.

@mckinley@twtxt.net we could make the Reply, Fork etc. look more like buttons, but right now it’s not on the top of my list either.

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In-reply-to » I noticed some unnecessary horizontal rules being rendered at the bottom of twts in the conversation view lately with yarnd's new design change. They can be seen at least when not being logged in. Not sure if it is the same experience with an active user session. I reckon there will be fork buttons then, so in that case they would be fine, indeed.

@mckinley@twtxt.net yes I saw no need for them and it was the easiest way to fix it.

In Danish there are an expression called “narrestreger” which literally means “fools strokes”. I have learned from my sister, who is a visual designer, that you should just avoid using “narrestreger” since it only needed if your design is bad to begin with. You should rater use more blank-space, typography or colors to indicate division instead of lines.

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In-reply-to » I noticed some unnecessary horizontal rules being rendered at the bottom of twts in the conversation view lately with yarnd's new design change. They can be seen at least when not being logged in. Not sure if it is the same experience with an active user session. I reckon there will be fork buttons then, so in that case they would be fine, indeed.

@prologic@twtxt.net and @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org. Those line are already removed in the latest PR😉

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In-reply-to » To help combat spam -- Should we build an invite system? 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net is it getting to an annoying level?

I would rather see a lot of other features before.

What are the advantages to an invite system compares to just close registration and add a contact form for applying for an account?

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In-reply-to » For a real feed format I would like to have a clear separation between titles and content. And more options for the content. Plaintext and HTML at least.

@mckinley@twtxt.net we already got a title field in form of (subject) – it’s just hidden here on yarn by design

I agree with @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org on this. It is outside the scope of twtxt as a microbloging protocol to start including more formel metadata fields such as titles

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@prologic@twtxt.net I made a new PR (#998) that I hope will fix the issues you have pointed out:

  • Link Verification not working (due to missing modal from pico.css)
  • Lightbox not working (due to missing modal from pico.css)
  • In-reply-to now only show max 3 lines of the root post

But the “(…) pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.”

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In-reply-to » Related with my current conversation, what do you think of using twtxt.txt as a format for feeds?

@eaplmx@twtxt.net I see it as a way to add feed to all sort of sites so people don’t have to relay on twitter, facebook and instragam to share their updates, but instead selfhost a twtxt.txt that people can follow in any way they see fit

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In-reply-to » Guys, I have a bad news, I went through the twtxt-osphere : - I found 1289 twtxt account - among those 721 are accessible ( 712 http / 9 gemini / 0 gopher) - but only 111 account are still active in 2022 :S (107 http / 4 gemini / 0 gopher).

@tkanos@twtxt.net nice work. What are the ranking based on? Number of posts in the feed?

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In-reply-to » A nice chat tonight with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, and @darch. Some things we talked about: * Markdown isn't rendered to HTML in Atom feeds (#989) * A look at @darch's branch to replace Pico.css with Simple.css * 100 monthly active users on yarn.social * Sandstorm proxy authentication for yarnd (Allows one set of credentials across programs hosted on Sandstorm) * Sandstorm support for Tube (#26) * Future improvements to Sandstorm

@mckinley@twtxt.net thank for the notes.

The new Simple.css based theme is online now at neotxt.dk thanks to the help of @prologic@twtxt.net and there is a PR pending now too.

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In-reply-to » I have been hacking away on replacing the PicoCSS with Simple.css, since it offer a much manageable set of color variables that can ease the work of making your own team a whole lot.

@tkanos@twtxt.net the orange is the default dark mode from simplecss.org - you can also find it inside 03-colours.css in the branch repo. I’m on my phone so can’t pull out the hex code right now, but now you know where to look;)

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In-reply-to » @tkanos My question goes more in if someone replies to me, and I don't follow them, how can I know they is trying to do it?

@eaplmx@twtxt.net you can’t know unless you follow them allready.

But I have been brewing on an idea to let you inform someone when you start to follow them, if they are open for such notifications. It could either be via webmetions or simply an option in the UI to email them if they have given disclose that in their twtxt.txt. There is also an option in the original spec to see who follows you in your webservers logfiles

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In-reply-to » @ocdtrekkie To be honest I was actually joking. My wiki most definitely is half baked 😂 The thing is I've built very complex and elaborate wiki engines (wikis as we call them) back in the day, when PHP was still cool 😅 -- This time however I didn't really feel like building out a full-fledged wiki. Maybe I should? Would anyone use it? What would the minimum feature-set be? Would @darch be interesting in doing up a nice SimpleCSS theme? I dunno 🤷‍♂️ OTOH I actually find HedgeDoc to be "not a bad little personal wiki" of sorts. It's not really a wiki per se as I don't do any "document linking" or such (I could I guess). But I tend to write a lot of personal, company and project docs there now... So 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, if anyone is actually interested in seeing more of these tiny little self-hosted aps grow, please either a) contribute or b) sponsor my on Github so I can pay other people to do the work for me 😅 (my time is already overloaded)

@prologic@twtxt.net yeah im up for that, but make sure to metion my current profile at neotxt.dk, snot the old one at twtxt.dk😉

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In-reply-to » Se me está ocurriendo hacer una visualización de twtxt.txt en HTML para que sea más fácil de observar... pensando

@eaplmx@twtxt.net To reply to a message or tread you add the hash-tag from the URL of the message your want to reply to in parentheses to the beginning of your message.

For this conversation or tread it would be DATETIME your reply here...


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In-reply-to » I have been hacking away on replacing the PicoCSS with Simple.css, since it offer a much manageable set of color variables that can ease the work of making your own team a whole lot.

I believe I have fixed what I found of issues on the main pages, so theme_simpleCSS should be ready for daily use and a merge with main soon.

One big change is that the Custom Secondary Color under Settings now control the icons and inline-code instead of Hover/Select Color as before



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In-reply-to » I have been hacking away on replacing the PicoCSS with Simple.css, since it offer a much manageable set of color variables that can ease the work of making your own team a whole lot.

@tkanos@twtxt.net Ouch there is a scenario that I didn’t anticipate… You might have to run you own pod to be able to change between two dark themes if the change is to be controlled automatically by your OS/browser.

Or we need to extend the option for custom CSS beyond just a primary/accent and secondary/icon color…
Hmm we could add the option to just add each of those for a dark and and light mode.

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