In-reply-to » Started with Media a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch, Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: Latent I think nothing of AI in general. Too often AI-stuff turned out to be some kind of fraud. My general opinion of AI is very bad. You don’t know how or what the thing “learned”, most often something very different than what one would think. Hence, there’s no way to fix it if it’s broken. And as far as I understand it one doesn’t know when it’s trained enough. So in my eyes it’s a giant waste of resources. Anyways.

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