
🏗 Full-Stack developer (Mainly Python) ✍ Writer ("Building SPAs with Django and HTML Over the Wire" and "Don Clojure de la Mancha") 🐧 Creator of Django LiveView, Maza ad blocking and so on 🐍 Old Python Valencia organizer 👨‍🏫 Teacher 🟣 Emacs addicted 🐱 Cat food opening

Recent twts from andros
In-reply-to » What does the #twtxt community think about having a p2p database to store all history? This will be managed by Registries. If it develops, and I’m not saying it will happen soon, perhaps Yarn could be connected as an additional node. Implementation would not be difficult for any client or software. It will not only be a backup of twtxt, but it will be the source for search, discovery and network health.

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In-reply-to » I watched two squirrels this morning for about half an hour: They were super crazy fast. Also, they bit off plenty of twigs and carried them around, not sure where they put them. I've never seen them do that before. Once more I realized that I need a better zoom.

Good shot!

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In-reply-to » The other day, after a discussion online, we came to the conclusion that using awk+sed+tr could replace much of the development that requires a database. However, using SQLite to have a SQL syntax isn't a bad idea either. What do you think? We often turn to a database when we can use a plain text file, such as a CSV. With sed or awk, you can run simple queries without using a database.
Did I get the context right? 😀

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Today I learned how to use TestCafé. It is a E2E framework.
I needed it because I wanted to write a script that would launch a browser in the background, log me in with a username and password, and return the cookie value with the token ID. The goal is to perform tests with the token.

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The other day, after a discussion online, we came to the conclusion that using awk+sed+tr could replace much of the development that requires a database. However, using SQLite to have a SQL syntax isn’t a bad idea either. What do you think?

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Hacer software código opensource es desafiante y paulatinamente desgasta a su autor. Todo comienza con pasión y entusiasmo, por supuesto. Si logras repercusión, te enfrentas a una carrera de fondo que muchos terminan abandonando por las demandas constantes de usuarios que, a menudo, no valoran el trabajo ni contribuyen de manera significativa. Por mencionar un caso reciente: Hector Martin. Líder del proyecto Asahi Linux, quien dedicó años a adaptar Linux para los procesadores Apple Silicon, un logro técnico impresionante. Sin embargo, terminó renunciando debido a la presión de usuarios que exigían soporte y mejoras como si fueran clientes pagos.

La mayoría de los mantenedores no reciben ningún soporte económico. Solo unos pocos proyectos logran sostenibilidad financiera a través de patrocinios, mientras que la mayoría de los desarrolladores terminan con un segundo empleo no remunerado.

Sin un cambio en la forma en que se valora y apoya los proyectos Opensource, y no solo hablo de las grandes empresas multimillonarias. Sería una perdida para todos si acabaremos con un ecosistema de software archivado y abandonado.

Ahora te paso la pelota a ti, ¿cuando fue la última vez que apoyaste a un mantenedor de software opensource?

#opensource #software #sostenibilidad

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In-reply-to » I read a lot about Clean Code, SOLID, TDD, DDD... now I'm discovering «A Philosophy of Software Design»... but nobody talks about the importance of the project architecture. Do we depend on the framework to do the work for us? You know I'm a big fan of Clean Architecture, but I feel alone when I share my thoughts on social media or at work. You have to think outside the framework.

@xuu What books do you have?

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In-reply-to » I have the feeling, that I have come to a dead end with my first version of the TwtxtReader. That's why I'm stopping the project and starting again. But of course, everyone is welcome to take a look at

I have the same feeling at my job. Every time I return to old projects, it’s like my first time.

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I read a lot about Clean Code, SOLID, TDD, DDD… now I’m discovering «A Philosophy of Software Design»… but nobody talks about the importance of the project architecture. Do we depend on the framework to do the work for us?
You know I’m a big fan of Clean Architecture, but I feel alone when I share my thoughts on social media or at work.
You have to think outside the framework.

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In-reply-to » ! U2FsdGVkX1/RU/NkTLRBrZGuZMaeIOoVkh7mBigVC/58DW80tKrwx1L3UCj0qWj8dvRU5/uwVh32ujJUr+O8ug==

Oh my god! How cool 😍! When I have my implementation, you and I will talk 🤫
This message has made me very excited 😋

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In-reply-to » @andros is it me or twtxt-el generates a wrong twt hash when I use the [ ↳ Reply to twt ] button?

I don’t think so, at least the tests I did passed. If you’re pretty sure it’s a bug, please create an issue in the repository with the specific case and I’ll investigate it.
There are 2 buttons to make replicas, one makes a replica in the thread where the twt is located (this is the one that should be used the most, as it serves a thread), the other creates a replica to a specific twt.
I’ll let you know a bit about the status: I’m just now implementing the thread screen. There you can be sure where you are. It’s a bit confusing right now, sorry. I think the client is still in alpha. When I’ve finished what I’m doing, and the direct message system, I’ll freeze development and focus on creating more tests, looking for bugs and making small visual adjustments.

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In-reply-to » Today is an important day. We have a new extension: Direct message 🪇🗨️🚀🥳❤️ #twtxt Hi! I love that you’re implementing it! Maybe, when we’re both done, we could test the clients by communicating both.
I don’t think I’m going to be able to help you much, my knowledge of OpenSSL and PHP is not as high as I’d like it to be.
Maybe the OpenSSL version uses SHA-1 by default in PHP. Or that the IV is derived together with the key (not generated separately). But I’m not able to answer your questions, sorry.
I’m invoking the commands directly, without any libraries in between. Maybe that would help you?

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Yesterday I was doing a lot of research on how #hyperdrive and the #holepunch project work. Would it be possible to use it to make #twtxt an easier gateway for new users? Could we stop using web servers?
My conclusion: We would end up being a #nostr. On the one hand it would become more complex to use, it would force the user to have software installed, and on the other hand the community would need a central proxy to make the routes accessible via HTTP. In other words, it’s not a good idea.
However, it’s an AMAZING technology. I want to start playing with it.

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In-reply-to » Have you ever had to refactor a project that was not documented? Any suggestions?

The project is a POC (Proof of Concept) that went into production and the company has customers who are using it. The developers had been working for several years, without testing, structure, isolation and so on. The company hired me to transform the project into a real product. There are in my hands 422 python files to transform that they beg me a refactore, architecture and testing. Every developer’s bad dream.
My first step is to read and understand the tree because there are apps inside other apps call each other. I am very determined to work on a new repository.

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In-reply-to » (#py6tmvq) Definitely something going on with replies. This one was replying to the wrong twt and even when I got clever and pasted the right hash it didn't work.

HTMX is fine! You can add dynamic sections with a simple endpoint. It is better that JavaScript.

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In-reply-to » I have uploaded a new version of #twtxtel 🥳. It's now possible to view profiles, either your own or others. #twtxt #emacs Media @prologic @xuu Sorry I’m late! I still have to work on the mention system, I don’t get some of the messages. I’ll look into your case and get back to you shortly 😄
If it’s a problem that ruins your experience, don’t hesitate to create an issue.

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In-reply-to » I'm realizing that my performance bottleneck is @prologic ! It is actually calculating the hash to make the replicas, and specifically users with very long feeds 😂 . I'm seriously thinking about enabling replies via configuration.

You write too much for my client 😂

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For many years I have found Flask to be too basic a tool for modern development. But since I create APIs using Flask with Pydantic to validate the input data, some middlewares for parsing and Blueprint to separate the code into modules… I must admit that I am super comfortable, fast and easy to test.
#flask #python #pydantic

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In-reply-to » I have managed to make the fetching of feeds asynchronous. To do this I have set up a small system of task queue. All requests are executed at the same time! 🚀 #twtxtel #emacs

Yes! 😀 Emacs Lisp is a member of the Lisp family.

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In-reply-to » I would like to make another proposal to the community, to discuss it calmly: #twtxt

No no! I’m talking about twtxt’s own branding. It’s currently horizontal text. Is the image you’re sharing a logo that’s being used? 😯

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In-reply-to » A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won't be able to do anything without the password. You should run: ssh-keygen -p And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

Thanks !

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In-reply-to » I share a simple API template with Clean Architecture using #flask and #fastapi #cleancode #cleanarchitecture

What is clean architecture? That’s a good question.

You think of a pattern for ordering code with good decisions isolating technologies (you can change the web framework or database without break the business logic), easy to test (you only test interfaces and use cases), sharing code between frameworks (entities and use cases), scalability, modulations and standardizing names. Clean architecture is not perfect, it has a learning curve and some abstraction in each technology. You can even find rejection with yours colleagues.
I have a good article on this topic.

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A random suggestion. You should add a password to your private ssh key. Why? If someone steals your key, they won’t be able to do anything without the password.
You should run: ssh-keygen -p
And remember to make a backup copy of key file. As a developer, it is a one of the most valuable files on your computer.

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In-reply-to » It's ok for most encrypted protocols (In salty you can fetch other messages but can't decrypt). Btw i think recipient can be removed so if someone seen message they tried to decypt, if can't - its not message to you

It is not possible to remove it, otherwise you do not know that the message is for you. With that information you can’t decrypt.

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In-reply-to » I want to share a little idea for a new extension with the goal of adding direct messages in #twtxt First, please leave me your comments on the repository! Even if it’s just to give your opinion on what shouldn’t be included. The more variety, the better.

Second, I’m going to try to do tests with Elliptic keys and base64. Thanks for the advice

Finally, I’d like to give my opinion. Secure direct messages are a feature that ActivityPub and Mastodon don’t have, to give an example. By including it as an extension, we’re already taking a significant leap forward from the competition. Does it make sense to include it in a public feed? In fact, we’re already doing that. When we reply to a user, mentioning them at the beginning of the message, it’s already a direct message. The message is within a thread, perhaps breaking the conversation. Direct messages would help isolate conversations between 2 users, as well as keeping a thread cleaner and maintaining privacy. I insist, it’s optional, it doesn’t break compatibility with any client and implementing it isn’t complex. If you don’t like it, you’re free to not use it. If you don’t have a public key, no one can send you direct messages.

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