
visualist and livecoder

Recent twts from sorenpeter
In-reply-to » What's that thing called when everyone on a social media platform (hardly matters which one) all post the same sort of thing. It all sounds oh so wonderful, or all so dramatic, everyone claps and cheers and thumbs up or whatever. What's that thing called? There's a term for it hmmm 🧐

echo chambers?

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In-reply-to » @Prologic can you pleas fix this line in your twtxt.txt: # follow =

I fixed it by adding (?<!\S) to the regex filter. But what is going on with the ?nick=dbucklin anyhow?

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) the difference is that these other servers does not post several times a day with content that are not informative/interesting to people outside your academic context, which can be perceived as noise.

What have done is what I would call curation of the service he offers to the world for free (as in beer). It’s no one right to have their posts syndicated to the frontpage of, it’s simply a gift he gives to the world and he is free (as in speak) to wrap is anyway he sees fit. I hope you stay around 🌞

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In-reply-to » @bendwr and I discussing something along the lines of: Media I.e: How to deal with or reduce noise from legacy feeds.

The wording can be more subtle like “This feed have not seen much activity within the last year” and maybe adding a UI like I did in timeline showing time ago for all feeds


I agree that it good to clean up the Mastodon re-feeds, but it should also be okay for anyone to spin up a twtxt.txt just for syndicating they stuff from blog or what ever.

The “not receiving replies” could partly be fixed by implementing a working webmentions for twtxt.txt

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In-reply-to » I've gathers my ideas about mentions for twtxt/yarn here: Webmentions vs. custom mentions spec for twtxt/yarn - HedgeDoc You are welcome to edit and comment in the doc, so our ideas are not fragment into a bunch of treads you can over at or by looking at the raw txt
I can’t help it that only have temporary caching ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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In-reply-to » I've gathers my ideas about mentions for twtxt/yarn here: Webmentions vs. custom mentions spec for twtxt/yarn - HedgeDoc You are welcome to edit and comment in the doc, so our ideas are not fragment into a bunch of treads

Thanks for your feedback For some reason i missed it until now. For now I have implemented endpoint discovery for #webmentions as a metadata field in the twtxt.txt like this:
# webmention =

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In-reply-to » I've been out a few hours again. I came across a dozen or so forest mice. I heard tons of squeaking and saw a lighting fast moving seething mass under leaves and groves. It was impossible to capture anything but I could watch it for two, three minutes. They even seemed to come as close as 20 centimeters judging by the rustle and moving plant leaves. Pretty cool.

I like the self-shot in the mud:

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In-reply-to » Let’s not forget that this gem exists: Primus - Mr. Krinkle 🐷🎶 #NowPlaying

What? was? that? Music videos in the 90s was just something else. Especially like the guy in the straitjacket on a pogostick

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In-reply-to » Also made a webfinger lookup resolver that works with my own webfinger endpoint as well as yarnd servers: Media Media

Thanks, I also just manage to get my own version of webmentions working. Please have a read at Webmentions vs. Custom Mentions Spec for Twtxt/Yarn - HedgeDoc and User Lookup for Twtxt/Yarn - Webfinger or Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - HedgeDoc for how it sorta works

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas! What do you mean when you say federation protocol?

I’m not sure we need much else. I would not even bother with encryption since other platforms does that better, and for me twtxt/yarn/timeline is for making things public

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In-reply-to » What about using the blockquote format with > ?

I’m also more in favor of #reposts being human readable and writable. A client might implement a bottom that posts something simple like: #repost Look at this cool stuff, because bla bla [alt](url)

This will then make it possible to also “repost” stuff from other platforms/protocols.

The reader part of a client, can then render a preview of the link, which we talked about would be a nice (optional) feature to have in yarnd.

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In-reply-to » I'm thinking of a kind of 'boost' or 'retweet/repost' for twtxt, so it can help with discoverability of interesting people to follow.

What about using the blockquote format with > ?

Snippet from someone else’s post

Would it not also make sense to have the repost be a reply to the original post using the (#twthash), and maybe using a tag like #repost so it eaier to filter them out?

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