yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn’t allow. it’s time. and i’ve got ideas!

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@shreyan@twtxt.net What do you mean when you say federation protocol?

I’m not sure we need much else. I would not even bother with encryption since other platforms does that better, and for me twtxt/yarn/timeline is for making things public

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yarnd does not do auto discovery via webfinger though.. i cant put @username and have it fetch the feed url from webfinger. to fully make feeds portable. would also need to be able to use that for hashing.

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@prologic@twtxt.net I know yarn is culturally a slower place than most mainstream social, but I would like to enable servers to somewhat “broadcast” new events on some subscribable endpoint. Since much of the network relies on indexers, this would help the indexers get new posts more immediately, rather than having to schedule their crawls. That’s just one idea to start with

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@prologic@twtxt.net Cool! Now what might be useful is to take all the cool things Yarn does and spec them out into a full protocol. This is also where we might get into extending beyond what Twtxt can offer and into a yarn-specific spec.

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