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Recent twts from prologic
In-reply-to » @bender @mckinley If you had to pick between Picnic CSS and Bulma? Which would you choose? 🤔 And why? I guess if you’re going to support the choice of Bulma (and the reason for this Yarn in the first place is I’m pretty rubbish when it comes to UI/UX, so I need all the help I can get! 🤣) – You need to help me understand; Is Bulma a better choice because you see “components” it has that may be useful in a new (say) Yarn 2.0? Or is Picnic CSS enough? 🤔

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In-reply-to » @prologic It’s always been super niche, but I think in the age of Twitter more people have been looking for free/libre alternatives than these days, because Mastodon is a big thing now and has mostly replaced Twitter. Mastodon is free/libre, lots of instances, lots of communities. I have a feeling that Yarn/twtxt is mostly appealing to us nerds and minimalists.

I’m not sure what the plans are anymore 😢 I still love the simplicity of Twtxt too and I’ve always seen this project as more of an “ecosystem”.

Appreciate the positive kind words, but you’re right, “momentum” has died a lot and I don’t have as much spare time or energy as I used to.

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In-reply-to » Hah 🤣 @dfaria Your feed really does consume about >50% of a "Discover" search with filters "Without replies" and "Hide my posts". 🤣 Media 36/2 = 18 at 25 Twts per page, that's about ~72% of the search/view real estate you're taking up! wow 🤩 -- I'd be very interested to hear what ideas you have to improve this? Those search filters were created so you could sift through either your own Timeline or the Discover view easily. Yup! And to be fair to this is a general problem.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I think this would be solved in the short to mid-term by fixing the mute function. Or, maybe, adding a "Hide this user from Discover" button.

That only works if you’re a user of said pod right? 🤔 Is this going to be the majority of cases or do we have to also worry about anonymous users (and crawlers/bots) where the “Discover” view is essentially the pods front page?

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

Maybe some kind of option that when enabled will collapse multiple posts from the same feed and only show the top most recent one, with some kind of UI/UX that indicate “N more today…”?

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

I’d also be very interested to hear what some other users of yarnd have to say, sadly there are only a handful of pods around that I’m aware of and/or that peer with my pod ( 😢


Maybe has become boring or too niche? 🤔 Anyway cc

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

Another feature as mentioned in #iq4rusa is using filters on the Timeline and/or Discover views. One of the most common “workflows” I use is to go to “Discover” and use the “Without replies” and “Hide my posts” filters to see if there’s anything new and interesting in my pod’s cache I haven’t seen before or maybe could reply to (or not).

Of course as I’ve locked down registrations on my pod anyway (have kept it locked down now for months) due to SPAM accounts and bots just creating rubbish accounts/feeds, this workflow may no longer be all that useful? hmmm 🧐

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Hah 🤣 Your feed really does consume about >50% of a “Discover” search with filters “Without replies” and “Hide my posts”. 🤣


36/2 = 18 at 25 Twts per page, that’s about ~72% of the search/view real estate you’re taking up! wow 🤩 – I’d be very interested to hear what ideas you have to improve this? Those search filters were created so you could sift through either your own Timeline or the Discover view easily.

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

One thing to be clear about here is that it was never my intention for a pod’s “front page” (Discover view when not logged in) to be any kind of “listing” or “advertising” or such. That was completely unintentional. If this is expected somehow, we should probably discuss that too more seriously and discuss its merits, and if it can be support, should be supported, or if there’s a different solution entirely? For example. there is the search engine which could show a global feed/timeline view, albeit the domain could be something different.

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

I’d like to hear some ideas that fix or improve the signal / noise ratio for all users and even benefits non-users (anonymous users just hitting a pod’s index page, which is the discover view)

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In-reply-to » One of the problems I have with changing the way the "Discover" view works whilst at the same time keeping it "clean" (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between "Timeline" (what you follow explicitly) and "Discover" (a view into the pod's cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a "collapsed" view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is "everything".

There’s also a pod-level setting (admins) that control what the “Discover” (or front page if you’re not logged in) display:


This is either:

  • Local posts only (local to the pod)
  • All posts in the pod’s cache

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One of the problems I have with changing the way the “Discover” view works whilst at the same time keeping it “clean” (depending on who you talk to) is the behaviour between “Timeline” (what you follow explicitly) and “Discover” (a view into the pod’s cache). See attached, where I by default prefer a “collapsed” view (hiding replies). The default behaviour for Discover (no controls) is “everything”.


The reason I bring this up is that part of my “workflow” has become to occasionally use the “Discover” view to see if I’ve missed any “in-between” replies that often happen, find new interesting folks to follow and/or interact with, etc.

Changing this to anything but the current behaviour would break this flow for me 😢

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Appreciate this 👌 Right now the algorithm is quite dumb – and I’d also hate to develop any algorithm that abuses any data from users. So definately needs to be things like:

  • one post per day per domain
  • or latest post per domain


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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Thanks for your positivity and support ! 🤗 This is exaxrly spot on, however I also realize getting things “right” is actually quite hard 😅

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In-reply-to » Executing all tests of the online registrations I'm building for the scouts takes now 70 seconds. Initializing a new SQLite database in RAM and creating all the tables for each test case sums up and takes its time. During development cycles I more often resort to the -run flag for go test to specify only one area of tests to be executed. Much more fun this way to quickly go back to writing code. How much emphasis do you place on test coverage?

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In-reply-to » @bender You don't know me and you're already making arbitrary judgments about me. I only got upset because they didn't warn me that they were going to block my domain. Nobody likes being canceled without warning. There were other civilized ways of letting me know that there was a problem with my domain instead of blocking it unilaterally. Bye-bye!

To be fair cleaning up “noise” is quite hard to do. Obciously all the 1-way Mastodon feeds were easy because there’s just no way to interact with them!

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In-reply-to » @dfaria Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) -- Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That's no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️ I guess all I can do is unblock the domain and sit down and rethink the “Discover” view’s design and behavior? hmmm 🧐 Alternatively, build a new yarnd 2.0? as a single-user pod only?

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Sorry this has pissed you off so much (unintentional) – Also why the irrational outburst?! 😱 That’s no way to have discourse or help improve anything 🤦‍♂️

If you have ideas for improvement we’re all ears 👂

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In-reply-to » Been clearing out my pod a bit and blocking unwanted domains that are basically either a) just noise and/or b) are just 1-way (whose authors never reply or are otherwise unaware of the larger ecosystem) Cancelling is a strong word. I’d you follow your other feed yourself it’s still visible to you!

This whole exercise just reenforces that the idea of the “Discover” view was and is a terrible idea. 😢

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In-reply-to » Gentoo bands use of “AI” tools Gentoo, the venerable Linux distribution which in my headcanon I describe as ‘classy’, has banned any use of “AI”. A proposal by Gentoo Council member Michał Górny from February of this year banning it use has been unanimously accepted by the Gentoo Council. The new policy reads: It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools. This motion can be revisited, ... ⌘ Read more

We’ll have to see how this policy will be implemented, but I like that Gentoo is willing to take a stand.

Me too😅

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In-reply-to » Hmmm the feeds service needs some kind of deduping 🤔 Slashdot seems to be the most frequent culprit 🙄 For example #oc2vksa and #wbx7ioq I’m not sure to be honest I think it’s just a straight up duplicate post. This actually does happen, it’s not a bug, it’s a “human problem”, but yeah it’s annoying, so it’s making me want to figure out a way of keeping some kind of similarity db to strip duplicates out like this.

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In-reply-to » @lyse it seems you don’t have a decent UPS with surge protection. Invest in one! We have one everywhere there is a constantly-used valuable appliance in the house, including refrigerator.

Oh wow that’s a lot of UPS(es) 🤣

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In-reply-to » I am supposed to come to office today, but I have caught the same cold bug wife has had for the last three days, so I am staying remote to spare cube-mates. Nose stuck, dripping, and a general slight sense of malaise is what I am feeling right now. good idea 😅

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In-reply-to » I am supposed to come to office today, but I have caught the same cold bug wife has had for the last three days, so I am staying remote to spare cube-mates. Nose stuck, dripping, and a general slight sense of malaise is what I am feeling right now. Get well soon! 🤞

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