@prologic@twtxt.net It’s always been super niche, but I think in the age of Twitter more people have been looking for free/libre alternatives than these days, because Mastodon is a big thing now and has mostly replaced Twitter. Mastodon is free/libre, lots of instances, lots of communities. I have a feeling that Yarn/twtxt is mostly appealing to us nerds and minimalists.

I still love the core ideas of twtxt. It’s great for hardcore minimalists. Yarn.social is great for people willing to run a server daemon. I still think all of this is a good thing.

We have certainly lost lots of momentum, though. Plus, there appear to be simpler alternatives to full blown Mastodon now. I think @abucci@anthony.buc.ci and @stigatle@yarn.stigatle.no are running snac? I didn’t have a closer look at snac (no intention of running it), but if that is a relatively small daemon (maybe comparable to Yarn?) that gives you access to the whole world of ActivityPub, then, well, yeah … That’s tough to beat.

Not sure what my point is. 🤔 For me, it’s easy: I’ll keep using twtxt because all I have to do is host a text file. Dead simple, I love it.

It all depends on what your plans for Yarn.social are. 🤔

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