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Recent twts from lyse
In-reply-to » When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn't smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they've been soup horses, chickens were out of stock. Tomorrow is getting hot again and then we might be lucky in that the summer is over.

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In-reply-to » I reckon, this is as raw as you can get, @falsifian: curl -sH "Accept: application/json" | jq You can piece it together from created and text (and twter.uri).

One last thing before I hit the hay. This endpoint could respond with the raw twt, when asking for text/plain (it serves HTML at the moment). Return the physical line from the feed. Maybe with a comment above for the feed URL. Or doesn’t the registry format also include the URL separated with a tab somehow? I’m too lazy right now to look it up. Also, not sure how useful that would be. Anyway, good night.

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In-reply-to » @lyse 31°C here, feels like 33°C, with a lovely 75% of humidity. It has been raining, on and off (to make matter "better") the whole day until now. No horses here, but if you go outside you will smell the same smell of farm animals (like goats, or pigs). That's because two or three kilometres from here there are private farms, and when the wind blows in such way, well, we are reminded of their existence. Right, a little rain improves™ the situation so much… :-( Surprise, surprise, our rain has been delayed again.

Good hunting and bon appétit! :-) I never had Puerto Rico’s national dish, but the photos look delicious. Yum!

I also tried ice cream, but I reckon I simply stick to your last tip instead. :-)

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In-reply-to » @movq thanks for getting to the bottom of it. @prologic is there a way to view yarnd's copy of the raw twt? The edit didn't result in a visible change; being able to see what yarnd originally downloaded would have helped me debug.

I reckon, this is as raw as you can get, curl -sH "Accept: application/json" | jq You can piece it together from created and text (and twter.uri).

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In-reply-to » @movq ha! Here are my top 10: Oh shit, second place! :-O

$ du -h .config/twtxt/cache*.db 
13M   .config/twtxt/cache2.db  # contains read status for each twt (very inefficient format)
7,0M  .config/twtxt/cache.db   # the actual cache by the original twtxt reference implementation

Yeah, wrong place for caches.

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In-reply-to » Serious open (for anyone) question: what makes you follow someone on twtxt? Will you just follow anyone that you come across, simply because that someone using the "decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers" microblog? I follow feeds that are somewhat interesting to me. At least for the most part.

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In-reply-to » @falsifian You are totally right. The specs are at least "open enough" for us to consider that as an implementation detail. We, and by we I mean @movq @lyse @bender @xuu and others should discuss this in more detail I believe and try to see if we can agree on what we're trying to solve. Thanks for the honor, but I’m not sure why I specifically should be part of a deciding committee here. :-D I get it, I just fear people might misunderstand your message here.

I have to read up on the twtxt registry documentation on the weekend (too tired at the moment), but it should probably be no real issue to integrate that API into yarnd.

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When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn’t smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they’ve been soup horses, chickens were out of stock.

29°C, zero wind, extremely humid, luckily the sun was behind the clouds. I’m soaking wet, sweat ran down in streams and dripped in my eyes, it burned a bit. The sky is getting a little dark, I hope the thunderstorm and rain are really arriving here later. Rain had always been finally cancelled the couple last days.

I’m gotta go cool off my fingers now, they’re swollen from the heat.

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. Right, not looking forward to disease-spreading mozzies and critters like that. We must become’s neighbors. :-)

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

Turns out, there are seven species in Germany (two of them being venomous), but in my wider area there seem to be just the two: Probably just even one, the common European adder is more to the south, just like I thought. But maybe with the climate getting hotter and hotter, they migrate north to me, too.

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In-reply-to » @prologic There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅 That’s a very good approach. I have the feeling that requirements engineering seems to be getting more and more a forgotten art these days.

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. We basically have no snakes around here. Just the grass snake and the common European adder. Or so I think. While it’s super hard to come across the harmless first one, it’s even rarer to find the little bit dangerous latter. Both are very shy. I never saw an adder. They probably do not live here in my area. A workmate told the other day that he accidentally run over one with this bicycle as a schoolboy, though. Yeah, I was happily suprised that the grass snake was still in this good shape.

I’ve no idea. Not sure how well frogs or toads see in the dark, but I would think if there is some noise coming towards you, you escape away and not towards it. Maybe they did not recognize me as a threat but were just curious?

This larger individual was also a frog or toad. :-) It didn’t freak me out at all, it was super cool to watch. But I thought, what an idiot. :-D I mean, hopping against me once is alright, but then trying again is a bit silly. It then stopped and sat next to my boot. About half a centimeter away. I waited a few seconds and carefully moved on.

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I’m out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

On the way there I picked two handful of blackberries in the forest. Delicious!

Today was the second time in my life that I saw a grass snake in the wild. They can easily be recognized by the yellow “ears”. Unfortunately, this one was run over. :-( But I jumped at the opportunity to photograph it as it didn’t escape in a fraction of a second like my first encounter three years ago. Still, poor fellow. :-(

Run over grass snake

Run over grass snake

On the way home, a deer jumped out of the brush in front of me and headed down the forest road before it went back in the other side. As always, that’s nice.

I also had to slow down a bunch of times because of frogs or toads on the paths. Not sure which ones, it was already after dark. I guesstimate it must have been 60-70 amphibians in total, maybe more. Some of them did not move to the wayside but rather into the middle of the track, right in front of me. Crazy suicide frogs! There were four reeeeaaaallly close calls. I could just avoid stepping on them after they tried to hop right under my boot. Not a centimeter to spare. No toads were harmed during my trip. Phew!

Once I had to stop completely because of the large activity ahead of me. A larger (about the size of half a palm) individual surrounded my foot and then jumped against my heel. Twice! What the heck!? :-D But suuuper cool experience. I’m very glad I actually went out. Totally worth it. I met so many amazing animals. Don’t care about the missed sunset a single bit.

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In-reply-to » @lyse Interesting. The yarnd --help currently says (for me): Yep, --open-registrations=false has to also use the equal sign, just like the short form, otherwise it’s activated. At least that’s consistent. But, is has no effect, if the settings.yaml claims something different.

I have the impression that command line flags only take effect the first time you start yarnd. Unless the option has no pendant in the config file, such as -A/--admin-user $user. Since -A is not a boolean, but takes a string, you are free to use a blank or an equal sign…

It’s this package:

I also noticed and fixed the typo. 8-)

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In-reply-to » @abucci You can also use -R=false on the command line or leave it out entirely. When explicitly stating -R=false, there has to be an equal sign. With a space (-R false) it's somehow parsed as -R which is equivalent to -R=true. O_o Very weird. I'd really like to see an error instead.

Yeah, user error on my end, never mind. The persisted settings.yaml overrides the command line arguments. That’s surprising to me. I expected the command line options to overrule the config file. Oh well.

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In-reply-to » POWER EFFIN' OUTAGE!!! Electricity came back after ~10 min like... no beggie BUT, Internet stayed out for like 2 more hrs 😅 Hmmm, so it is permanent damage. Damn! :-( I’m no electronics guy, but I’d suspect it to be broken, if unplugging it and plugging it in again doesn’t fix it. Kinda doubt that a repair shop will get it going again. I have no idea where I would bring it over here. The best I can think of is to ask the volunteers at the repair café if they have any suggestions, I reckon they’re not able to fix it either. But that place is only open once a month.

How much of your screen is gone by now? Looks like a lot.

Wow, crazy. A decade ago, I think I only experienced power outages three or maybe four times in my entire life. Since then, they became a bit more frequent. Probably five or six, maybe more. Not sure how many of these events are attributed to construction incidents, where an excavator ripped a power line apart. Last time, loggers threw a tree in an overhead power line, so the power company had to disconnect my area from the grid.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now. You can also use -R=false on the command line or leave it out entirely. When explicitly stating -R=false, there has to be an equal sign. With a space (-R false) it’s somehow parsed as -R which is equivalent to -R=true. O_o Very weird. I’d really like to see an error instead.

I still have to figure out the precedence of the settings.yaml or command line arguments. I’m probably holding it wrong, but it seems to give me different results…

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In-reply-to » Transformed four kilograms of blackberries into a bit over three kilograms of blackberry jelly. The leftover jelly did not fit in prepared canning jars, so I dumped it in a regular drinking glass (which was a mustard glass in its former life): Media The rest is cooling off on the bench outside. Wow, I was not aware, that there are different kinds of blackberries. But of course there are. Everything has all sorts of different species, why would it be different with these tasty guys? :-)

I just read up on them and – surprise, surprise – it turns out, the Himalayans are not native to most of Europe either. Doh! It gets even more interesting, their origin is unclear. Maybe Armenia and the Caucasus region. Fascinating!

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In-reply-to » It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven't checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn't remember anything on that. Right, what can possibily go wrong!? ;-)

It’s funny that you mention it, too. We also were quite surprised that it was incredibly quiet in nature. Not just no man-made noise (we obviously avoided the crowds), not even in the distance, but also hardly any birds. We joked they’re still exhausted from the heat of the days before and still resting.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now. Thank you for using Lyse’s Unofficial Yarnd Help Desk:

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In-reply-to » I'm happy with the current implementation though, because the only reason you should be hitting the external profile endpoint at all is a) you're logged in and happen to click on someone's profile that is external to the pod or b) you're anonymous and just clicking through the frontpage (see a) Or c) you click on a link somebody gave you. My brain is a bit dead now, but that might be a problem when you’re logged in.

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In-reply-to » My 9yr old daughter just made her Git commit today, her first website, setup two-factor authentication and used several credentials (which I helped her with) 🤣 -- next lessons: password hygiene/management. Great! Git knowledge is helpful in a lot of situations. What’s the website about? You both had some fun writing HTML by hand? :-)

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