View from my window last evening:
Moon, Venus, an airplane in the top left corner, wind parks in the distance.
(This is already too much for a standard camera. The moon is super bright, the rest is not. Guess I should go HDR some day?)
View from my window last evening:
Moon, Venus, an airplane in the top left corner, wind parks in the distance.
(This is already too much for a standard camera. The moon is super bright, the rest is not. Guess I should go HDR some day?) Oh wow! That’s the moon the Venus right? 🤔 Nice! I would have missed the plane if you hadn’t pointed it out. :-) Venus is very visible these days. When a mate and I went on a night walk during clear sky this week, the night sky looked really great, it was easy to spot the second planet. We got lucky, ISS just passed above our heads, too. Most of the week, it was cloudy, though. The light pollution map reports red for my town. That’s fairly accurate, I’d say. The view from home is not all that great. Yeah, I can see Ursa Major and a bunch of other stars. Maybe even some satellites. But there’s definitely a sky glow at the horizon.
When I leave town, I can see a bit more. However, it doesn’t compare to the alps or even some rural parts in Australia. The latter was by far the craziest I’ve ever seen in my life. Looked like a space telescope photo in person. Soooooooooooooo many stars and the band of the milky way was easily visible to the naked eye. Up until then, I didn’t even know this was remotely possible down on earth. Absolutely stunning. :-)