Every time I go to the office, I get nothing done. Unbelievable.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de So true! Either I’m hanging around with my direct teammates socializing in person in a meeting room or some other workmates are making so much noise in the open-plan office that I cannot concentrate at all. In any case, completely unproductive. :-D Luckily, I very rarely have to go to the office.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Whether in the office or at home, I get nothing done. ;-) Well, while this is almost true, I actually tried to respond to the other thread I started myself, but starting the editor it switched immediately to this one. Any idea why this happens?
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Open-plan offices are just a giant mistake. I’ve never seen a single working one where people can actually concentrate. Except when I was the first one around in the morning.