In-reply-to » πŸ‘‹ Q&A: Let's discuss the removal of Editing and Deleting your last Twt. This is something @fastidious has raised to me on IRC and something I find quite a valid approach to this. Over time I believe the utility and value of "Editing" and "Deleting" one's last Twt isn't as valuable as we'd like and increased complexity and introduces all kinds of side-effects that are hard to manage correctly. I vote for the removal of this feature from yarnd, the mobile app nor API support this anyway... FWIW I used it a fair bit too, but I am quite mindful of being quick about a last minute edit (literally!) so there is that aspect as well. Once a pod or client fetches your feed, it’s all but too late! πŸ˜‚ So the β€œutility” is highly questionable at this stage as we continue to grow πŸ˜… IHMO

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