@prologic I don't understand what you're saying.
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works with TLS. It does not have the "--docker" siwtch so you have to remove that and use the exact replacement commands that were in that github comment.
Not quite.
[22:51:47] <prologic> bkhl you misunderstand what I'm asking :( I'm asking whether we can add TLS support to Podman the CLI / client? It looks like it doesn't understand how to connect to a typical Docker TCP service over TLS
[22:52:52] <prologic> e.g: Error: --docker additional options "ca=/Users/prologic/.docker/certs.d/localhost/ca.pem,key=/Users/prologic/.docker/certs.d/localhost/key.pem,cert=/Users/prologic/.docker/certs.d/localhost/cert.pem" not supported
[22:53:03] <prologic> When running: podman context create localhost --docker "host=tcp://localhost:2376,ca=$HOME/.docker/certs.d/localhost/ca.pem,key=$HOME/.docker/certs.d/localhost/key.pem,cert=$HOME/.docker/certs.d/localhost/cert.pem"