In-reply-to » twtxt critic: Unfortunately the original values seam to have been eroded. Yarn is turning twtxt in to a cheap copy of Mastodon without the benefit of the Fediverse. What happened to everybody hosting their own twt files in a public facing folder? I was hoping development would have gone in the direction to help people to publish to a personnel held public facing folder via FTP, Dropbox, Sia Skynet, IPFS etc. And servers would just be search engines, and proxies etc. I appreciate the hard work that has gone in to the however ...

Your specific comment:

I was hoping development would have gone in the direction to help people to publish to a personnel held public facing folder via FTP, Dropbox, Sia Skynet, IPFS etc

Is counter productive to the project’s goal. We aim to make things as simple as possible for end-users, whilst at the same time publishing open specs that improve the overall experience and utility. My old man for example would never in his life do what you’re suggesting.

Try to remember there are all kinds of people in the world, some without any technical expertise.

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