Another interesting side effect of changing from content-based addressing to location-based addressing is that switching from 7-byte keys to 2025-character keys for 3.5 million entries would expand the database size from 24.5 MB to about 7.09 GB—an increase of roughly 7.06 GB!
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@movq@www.uninformativ.de Maybe I misspoke. It’s a factor of 5 in the size of the keyspace required. The impact is significantly less for on-disk storage of raw feeds and such, around ~1-1.5x depending on how many replies there are I suppose.
I wasn’t very clear; my apologies. If we update the current hash truncation length from 7 to 11. But then still decide anyway to go down this location-based twt identity and threading model then yes, we’re talking about twt subjects having a ~5x increase in size on average. Going from 14 characters (11 for the has, 2 for the parens, 1 for the #) to ~63 bytes (average I’ve worked out of length of URL + Timestamp) + 3 byte overhead for parents and space.