In-reply-to » So, @prologic, I feel like I should convince you that your self-hosting solution you build should use containerized documents (Sandstorm calls them "grains" for kind of good reasons, but documents is usually applicable). This would have twofold benefits: 1. Your platform would be more secure/better. 2. Apps you build for it would probably be reasonably straightforward to also run on Sandstorm.

In a normal Docker setup, a flaw in Etherpad could lead unauthorized users to access documents they shouldn’t be able to, or of course, edit documents without permission, including documents they weren’t supposed to have access to. Since Sandstorm spins up Etherpad containers on demand, if a user doesn’t have access to a document via Sandstorm, the server isn’t even loaded/running anywhere, and nobody can access it. When we do spin it up, the authorized user gets a container with… only the one document they have access to. A flaw in Etherpad could let a read-only user exploit their way into editing, but only, again, for the one document they already had access to.

Also, Sandstorm spins up these containers on ethereal randomized subdomains, and requires a unique authorization cookie on your browser to access them when they’re up. So they’re also very difficult to access even when they’re spawned without authorization.

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