In-reply-to » Thinking about reviving (#xi7nivq) - the idea of managing bashblog comments with twtxt instead of leading people to Twitter. This approach is fine, as long as you’re aware that there is no way to actually attribute the authorship of the line in the feed that is essentially being used to let (potentially) anonymous visitors to your site/blog add comments.

I’ve given this a lot of thought over the months and I think the best way to solve for this in general over time is to a) Build support for micro.Pub into yarnd b) Add support for IndieAuth (as a consumer) and then build out an ecosystem of Javascript and whatever libraries and tools to support this use-case.

This way when someone makes a comment on a blog post or website, they are in fact logging into their feed on some pod (that you choose to use) and they are able to take that with them, or continue using it, etc.

Just my $0.20 worth πŸ˜…

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