Recent commits to yarnd on master:

* ecda847 2021-12-12 | Add support for loading up a previous cache version (n-1) and migrating to current version (HEAD -> master, origin/master) [James Mills]
* 2064ae6 2021-12-12 | Add MemoryUsage() to help optimize some parts of the codebase's memory allocations [James Mills]
* 507c5ae 2021-12-11 | Bump cache version [James Mills]
* 2267620 2021-12-11 | Further optimize on-disk cache to reduce memory allocations on load/store [James Mills]
* cda41d2 2021-12-11 | Fix Cache.Store() and Cache.Load() to take advantage of gob streams and reduce memory allocations on startup [James Mills]

Probably won’t cut a new release this weekend:

$ git describe

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