In-reply-to » I've only been using snac/the fediverse for a few days and already I've had to mute somebody. I know I come on strongly with my opinions sometimes and some people don't like that, but this person had already started going ad hominem (in my reading of it), and was using what felt to me like sketchy tactics to distract from the point I was trying to make and to shut down conversation. They were doing similar things to other people in the thread so rather than wait for it to get bad for me I just muted them. People get so weirdly defensive so fast when you disagree with something they said online. Not sure I fully understand that. attacking the person, not the idea. It’d be like if you said “yarn is better than mastodon because it isn’t push based” and someone who disagreed with you said “well you think that because you’re an idiot” or something like that.

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