
Let’s be clear here. Daniel Penny allegedly choked a black man, Jordan Neely, to death on a subway car. Neely was being loud, but he was not physically threatening anybody and did not have a weapon. In any other context, this would be called “murder”, at the very least, “manslaughter” if one were being gracious. Because of the US’s history, a white man murdering a black man in sight of the public is oftentimes, and rightfully, called a “lynching”. It has a public, political purpose amounting to terrorism.

Daniel Penny was allowed to go free for awhile after this event. He is only now facing accountability, having been recently indicted (arrested and charged with a crime) as he should have been day of. And here is racist right-wing toadie Ben Shapiro saying that Daniel Penny–the white alleged killer–is the one being lynched. Not the black man who was allegedly murdered by Penny in view of the public, and who is now dead. Penny himself, who is still very much alive., I don’t know how you go on defending Ben Shapiro, but in the context of US society, what Shapiro is saying is reprehensible and unacceptable. He’s a right-wing troll with disgusting, not to mention flat out stupid, opinions.

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