In-reply-to » @bender On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅 The size … it depends. 🥴

$ du -sh ~/Mail/twt
244M   /home/user/Mail/twt


$ du -sh --apparent-size ~/Mail/twt
33M    /home/user/Mail/twt

There are about 60k twts in there.

Regarding one-way junk: True. Looks like I mostly unfollowed those, I don’t really have that in my inbox. 🤔

These are the Top 10, btw:

$ awk '/^From: / { user[$2]++ } END { for (u in user) { print user[u], u } }' * | sort -k1rn | head -n 10
24020 "prologic"
5269 "lyse"
3928 "movq"
2285 "adi"
1985 "abucci"
1713 "mckinley"
1415 "off_grid_living"
1352 "darch"
1280 "eaplmx"
956 "bender"

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