In-reply-to » @prologic I do think the post about how to setup jenny + mutt over on the blog is still a great post. I used that post to see the steps to set it up and it works fine. Though I can write some blog post with some more documentation for things like auto publishing. The big issue with plain twtxt is that I would have not seen your post unless I looked on when I was looking at yarn a little bit more. Twtxt does overcome the issue by introducing the registry but I can't figure out any way to use them for Jenny and almost no one uses them in the first place. So I can't see anyones replies or mentions unless I am following them. Yarn does overcome the issue by friends of friends as you would know as the creator of yarn. That is why yarn is better then something like activity pub. Everything over on activity pub tries to work with Mastodon not because its better but because its the most popular. Twtxt clients on the other hand tries to work with the yarn additions because most of the additions improve things even for twtxt users.

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