Recent news about the ban of the sale of #Lenovo products with #WWAN support on #Germany due to a dispute on what is #FRAND in #SEPs should work as a wake-up call to the issues.

For too long, we have not been making enough to ensure that Open Standards matter, that Software Patents are wrong, that there is nothing fair on FRAND. And, now more than ever, we are paying the price - with things still moving in the wrong direction.

As it happens, now is also a momentous time, where (in #Europe) we can make a difference. Trilogues around the SEP regulation draft are expected to begin as soon as the new members of the European Parliament are elected.

Voting in the #europeanelections, and choosing wisely whom we want represent us, will be a decisive moment. And, until then we should raise awareness, demonstrate our interest in the issue, as the candidates for their positions on this matter.

Now is the time.

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