@movq@www.uninformativ.de I agree with @lyse@lyse.isobeef.org very well said. I guess I can also understand the “worries” (as unfounded as they are) too, especially coming from your perspective. As you say though (thank you 🙏) Yarn.social is a far cry from this situation.
All along we started out with:
What is the community doing now, what has it always done, what does it want to do.
And we formalised that.
At the same time we built what is now called yarnd
, or Yarn.social Pod(s). Aside from the fact it is both decentralised and distributed and uses Twtxt, and all the Extensions, as well as IndieAuth, Atom, WebMentions and WebSub (all open source protocols and specifications, most of which are from the “Small Web”) there’s nothing special going on – yarnd
is just a multi-user client and implementation of the specs.
My only goal has always been (and unlikely to change) to bring the simplicity of Twtxt to the masses (I think you all remember this). Hide the complexities of hosting a feed (as simple as that is for tech savvy folks)…