In-reply-to » @mckinley I didn't thought too much about it. This is sort of possible, kind of, by tweaking:

$ yarnd --help 2>&1 | grep 'max-cache'
      --max-cache-fetchers int        set maximum numnber of fetchers to use for feed cache updates (default 12)
  -I, --max-cache-items int           maximum cache items (per feed source) of cached twts in memory (default 150)
  -C, --max-cache-ttl duration        maximum cache ttl (time-to-live) of cached twts in memory (default 240h0m0s)

But you would have to supply insanely large values. Better solution would be to improve the search codebase and then incorporate those improvements (hopefully in a reusable way) into yarnd itself so we can index and search the archive.

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