In-reply-to » @jlj @xuu hello! @prologic and I were chatting about the question of globally deleting twts from the network. @prologic noted that he could build the tools and endpoints to delete twts, but some amount of cooperation from pod operators would be necessary to make it all work together. He asked me to spawn a discussion of the subject here, so here we are! No, not really. In an ideal world, n operator of a multi-user pod would just nuke an account entirely that violates the (default) Abuse Policy – So really in hindsight that’s what should have happened I guess, but maybe I was just being nice in this instance… Problem of course is that this now opens up a can of worms…

In the past we’ve had some interesting folks swing by and post interesting stuff (to say the least) – you know the type of vulgar crap that nobody really cares for, or spam, etc. You don’t generally have to do anything about that because you as an individual can choose to “Unfollow” that feed, don’t follow them in the first place, mute them, mute the hash in question (for yourself), etc.

This is more of a case of direction violation of the abuse policy / community guidelines and more of how we want to shape things – without going too far down the “let’s moderate” everything BS

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