In-reply-to » I need to do a big rewrite on how the yarn desktop client handles the status widgets, this is because I want links and such, and to do that I have to rewrite the status message code, it takes a bit if time to do it, but I kinda know what to do - I just need to dive in and get it done. Been thinking about it for a while, I think it's time to get started on it. Also makes the code much cleaner then what it is now. I think the API is is fine :). But to be honest - one thing that would help me is a commandline curl example on how to upload a image, I take these curl commands through a converter that makes it into libcurl c++ code which I then use :) If you could help me with such a image upload curl example then I’d appreciate it! (I’m currently missing media upload).. And having that feature would be great! :)

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