In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

I’m experimenting with WhatsApp at the moment and it’s worse than I expected. 😳 There is which you can use on a normal PC without constantly having the app running/installed on your phone. That was tempting. But … you can’t really do anything here. You can’t even initiate new chats to another phone number. It looks like this only works if you give the app on your phone access to your contact list – a total asshole move.

Fuck this. ☹️

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