In-reply-to » Media Despite I don’t really understand why you want the web server and website contents on a USB stick that travels around with you, do you even need a web server at all? I might be totally wrong, but I get the impression that it’s only you who uses the “website” on whatever machine the USB drive is plugged in. It’s not served over the internet, is it? It’s just for yourself, so that you can look up stuff on the “website” or something like that. But you don’t actually serve the website to the entire world?

Again, I could completely misunderstand the use case here. But assuming it’s not connected to the internet, since you just have HTML and plain text files on the USB stick, no PHP or other stuff that needs to be interpreted first, you could just view these files locally in any browser (via local file:// protocol) without the web server (via http(s)://) in between. Much simpler.

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