In-reply-to » @andros is it me or twtxt-el generates a wrong twt hash when I use the [ ↳ Reply to twt ] button?

I don’t think so, at least the tests I did passed. If you’re pretty sure it’s a bug, please create an issue in the repository with the specific case and I’ll investigate it.
There are 2 buttons to make replicas, one makes a replica in the thread where the twt is located (this is the one that should be used the most, as it serves a thread), the other creates a replica to a specific twt.
I’ll let you know a bit about the status: I’m just now implementing the thread screen. There you can be sure where you are. It’s a bit confusing right now, sorry. I think the client is still in alpha. When I’ve finished what I’m doing, and the direct message system, I’ll freeze development and focus on creating more tests, looking for bugs and making small visual adjustments.

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