Woah mates, I’m telling you, today it was really worth it again! I got surprised by the rain, but the rainbow made up for everything. I saw plenty of birds, a nice sunset (by then my battery died once again) and seven deer! The first one when I had to pee in the woods. :-D It was maybe ten meters away from me. Really awesome, best view so far and hard to top! :-D About two minutes later, four deer were grazing on a pasture. A bit later one large deer was standing on a forest path and watching me. It was the only one that did not run away, even though I was walking past quite close to it, I reckon 10-15 meters. And at the end one was hiding in the shrubs two meters away from me. I’m super glad that I went outside this evening. :-)

Bird on a tree

Bird on a tree

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