In-reply-to » @prologic idk I tend to think that "reading something on some random person's web site" and "telling some random person where I live to within a mile or two" ought to be distinct things I get to choose independently.... Whilst I agree with this sentiment, the Internet kind of requires IP Addresses to even function in the first place, and p2p protocols like WebRTC require peer addresses to be able to communicate with one another.

Your ISP (or my ISP) having an address on file and providing a mapping of IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6) to a physical geographic address is an entirely separate problem I think 🤔 – At least in Australia any entity that provides consumers goods or services has to “know their customer” – However I argue that tracking (an ISP) an IPv4/IPv6 address on the Internet to a geographic address under a few kms (sorry, I work in metric 🤪) should be illegal – Much like Targeting Advertising to groups of “people” less than 5,000 is against the law (at least it was in the US when I last worked at Facebook™).

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