In-reply-to » Media @prologic something seems to have gone wrong with's upload capabilities... Yeah sorry I have no idea, the only thing I’m aware of that can actually cause a missed 404 is when the deployment in my infra is updating, but I sort-of solved that by adding a fallback service (a sort of catch-all) that returns a 503 Service Unavailable and a maintenance page instead, so I’m not sure and looking at the deployment my pod hasn’t re-deployed in over 2 days so I don’t get it :/

$ dks ps twtxt_twtxt
ID             NAME                IMAGE                   NODE           DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE         ERROR     PORTS
wy9g3gvcfc8r   twtxt_twtxt.1       prologic/yarnd:latest   Running         Running 2 days ago
lvur2y5kshv9    \_ twtxt_twtxt.1   prologic/yarnd:latest   Shutdown        Shutdown 2 days ago
b3lnmd6rc3lt    \_ twtxt_twtxt.1   prologic/yarnd:latest   Shutdown        Shutdown 2 days ago

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