@movq@www.uninformativ.de (#3xpygsq) @movq@www.uninformativ.de I have a slightly different but compatible view:

What makes twtxt unique is its radical technical simplicity. And that means you have to be a tech-savvy person to appreciate twtxt and that means mass-appeal is pretty much out of the question to begin with. ๐Ÿ˜…

You see, if you recall my old man ainโ€™t all that great with tech these days, though he used to be and thatโ€™s how I got into it, encouraged as a young lad. Anywayโ€ฆ I built yarnd for that purpose, so a) I could use it as my daily driver (think of it like Jenny/tt but for the web with a little server) and b) so others could use it too (admitedly that hasnโ€™t been well adopted because reasons)

Anyway my view is that Yarn/Twtxt is designed to be a slow social media without distraction. I like that a lot. Forget the simplicity for a second, if you think about how we use this, and how damn well fucking effective it is, without all the ads, tracking, god knows what useless-ass features, all the nonsense multi-Megabytes your browser has to download, just to post what you ate for breakfast, I like what weโ€™ve built ๐Ÿ˜…

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