Hmmm, my camera battery died prematurely once again. Sigh. On the positive side, though, on my way home I saw lightning in the Northern distance and thought, ah great, that’s moving away from me, the South West looks kinda nice. Eventually, I got a tiny, tiny, tiny bit drizzled on, basically nothing. Not a minute at home and it started raining like there is no tomorrow. Perfect timing. :-) It turned out that the weather was coming from the North North East today, which is uncommon, so that’s why we also got some thunder and ligthning. The active front was actually directly heading at me. It now smells really great outside. I love it.

Oil pollution:

Nah, these are tadpoles!

Nah, these are tadpoles!

A few dragonflies were at the pond, but I didn’t really get a good photo of them. They were too quickly. Or I was not fast enough at focusing when they hovered slowly. 06 is the best shot. Except for the film. There I got very lucky a few times. I reckon I could have done a better job at cutting, the final video looks a bit more blurry than the original clips. But I’m too tired now. The sunset was pretty cool. Extremely red lighing everywhere, just magnificent. Enjoy:

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